Chapter 4

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"Clem?" She heard her mother call. It had been a few weeks since she came out to more people and she felt like she was walking on clouds. "Clementine!"

"Yeah Mum?" She yelled back.

"There's a package for you!" Clementine was confused, her dress she'd bought had come a while ago. So naturally, she took the box to her room, covered any personal information, and grabbed her camera.

"BOYS!" She began, very loudly. "This is a mystery package and I have NO IDEA who or where it's from!" She said, setting down the camera and ripping open the box with reckless abandon.

"Alright, let's see what's in it!" She said, grabbing onto some fabric.

She pulled out a very pretty yet simple dusty pink dress.

"Shit..." She whispered. Clementine quickly turned off her camera, deciding to burn that footage later. No way could that get out.

There was a small card at the bottom, which she quickly read.

Here's a dress that I thought you'd like! I think it's your style, I really hope you like it!

Clem smiled, very happy. Eret was wonderful and always supportive. She went about her day, continuing to edit, deciding to wear that dress tomorrow. She didn't really have anything to do tomorrow, so she could wear it without fear.


Mother fucker dude. She had forgotten about her plans with Wilbur. They were gonna go bouncing around London with George, how could she have forgotten?

But she'd absolutely forgotten this and was just doing homework on the kitchen island, wearing her dress and light makeup, her nails freshly painted.

She jumped when she head the sudden knock at the door, but it was probably the postman. She waited a bit, guessing they'd moved to another house, so she opened the door and was not greeted by a package.

She was greeted by Wilbur.

To which she quickly slammed the door in his face, freaking out. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck shit. Today was the day they were supposed to go out, how could she have been so stupid?

"Tommy? You good?" Wilbur knocked again, the confusion evident in his voice. What was she supposed to say? She couldn't answer, he'd just have more questions and they were supposed to pick George up soon... Fuck.

"Tommy seriously you're worrying me." Damnit why did Wilbur have to be so kind. She curled her knees against her chest, starting to cry.

"Tommy!?" Wilbur yelled, knocking again, "Tommy seriously I don't give a fuck just let me know you're okay! Please Toms..." It hurt Clementine, to hear that stupid nickname that didn't even fit. She sucked in a deep breath, wiping her face. Her makeup was probably messed up, her dress was rumpled and she probably looked a mess.

She stood up and slowly opened the door and Wilbur was still standing there, concern in his eyes.

"Wilbur I'm not Tommy." Clementine began before Wilbur could even speak, "I'm Clementine. My name is Clementine. I'm a girl and if you hate be for that then go away." She closed her eyes, waiting for the worst. But nothing came, no words, he just pulled her into a tight hug.

"T- Clementine. I'm so, so sorry." He said, not letting her go. "I'm sorry if I hurt you or did anything to make you uncomfortable. I care about you so, so much. You're always gonna be family to me, I promise."

That made Clementine break. She burst into tears, clinging to Wilbur in the threshold. He rubbed her back gently, calming her down.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, it's okay. We don't have to go out, I can just say I got a stomach ache or something." Clementine nodded, pulling away from Wilbur.

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