Chapter 1

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It all started with a bracelet.

Now Tommy wasn't one for jewelry, though he never gave much thought to it. But he was out shopping, filming a vlog with Tubbo and Jack the Manifold when they went into a jewelry store. It was a joke, it was a joke right? But Tommy really liked the bracelet.

It was really simple, a charm bracelet, thin and delicate. He decided to get one of the charms, a little disc which amused Tommy to no end. While Tubbo and Jack were laughing about something else, he secretly bought the bracelet and put it on underneath his long-sleeved shirt.

He hoped no one could see it.

Turns out, when the video came out, someone could see it.

yoooo where did tommy get that bracelet??

Tommy flushed red as he saw that comment and looked at the bracelet. As soon as that person noticed, screenshots started flying around on Twitter.

kinda gay | @Stephani3
fem tommy arc pog?

hen hen | @henny
tommy rocking that bracelet, dont be afraid to show off big man!

Something about that comment rubbed Tommy the wrong way as he took off the bracelet. He looked at it, bunching it up in his hand and threw it away.

The bracelet was a mistake.


Tommy woke up at about 4am with the sudden urge to look something up. It was stupid, it was really really stupid and didn't make any sense but here he was, at 4am, looking up 'how to know if you are trans' before quickly deleting it.

What was he talking about, he was a Big Man™, he wasn't trans, but...

Well Tommy was curious.

And felt worse, but somehow better when he pressed search. So many articles, and he did his best to read through all of them.

By the time it dawn broke, Tommy was tired, informed and confused. But certain of one thing.

He was, in fact, a she.

Mother fucker dude.

So Tommy, very in search of answers, went to the one person he, no she, could go to. Eret, the person, the myth, the legend. Aaaaand the only person Tommy knew who had any experience with changing pronouns and that shit.



eret vc


whats up?

just vc pls

Tommy only had to wait just a little bit before Eret answered her call.

"Tommy? What's up, you never call." Eret asked.

"I, uh, I had a question. How did... how did you figure out the whole... gender? Thing?" Tommy asked.

"Well, I just didn't want to put to much thought into my gender, I didn't want to waste my energy on something that doesn't really matter to me. Why do you ask?" Tommy nodded, thinking.

"I, uh, I don't think I'm a, uhm, uh..." Eret waited patiently as Tommy fumbled through her words.

"I think that I might not be a Big Man™ and might be a Big... Wo-Man™?" Eret was silent for a bit, but it felt like eternity. Had she done something wrong?

"Tommy, that's amazing! I'm really proud of you, do you want me to use she/her pronouns for you?" Tommy nodded enthusiastically.

"That's be amazing, yes please."

"Do you have a name you want me to call you?" Tommy thought for a moment, before realizing, oh shit she'd forgotten that part.

"Uhhh, no I haven't gotten that far." Tommy awkwardly chuckled.

"It's okay, I'm sure you're gonna come up with something great! Who're you out to?"

"Just you, so far. I think once I figure out my name I might tell my parents." Tommy mumbled.

"Mhm, that'd be a good idea if you want to get on hormones, since until you're an adult you'd need your parents help and stuff."

"Thanks, Eret. For being supportive and stuff." Tommy mumbled.

"Of course Big Woman!"

Tommy ended the call after that and slumped into her chair, feeling a wave of relief. She already had Eret's approval and she knew that they would fight  anyone on the SMP who didn't approve.


Tommy didn't talk to her parents until a few days later, but needed a pep talk from Eret first. Plus, she had to reveal her new name!

eret vc rn
rert rn

Okay, hold on!

"Eret!" Tommy said excitedly. "Eret, I'm going to come out to my parents!"

"That's awesome, Tommy!" Eret said supportively.

"Actually, I got you one better." Tommy cleared her throat, wanting to make a big deal of this. "My name is Big Woman Clementine and I'm coming for your girl!" Eret laughed.

"Clementine, that's amazing! Can I call you Clem? Clementine is kinda a mouthful." Tommy nodded before realizing they weren't video calling.

"Y-Yeah! That'd be amazing, thank you so much Eret!"

They talked for a bit longer until Clem's parents called her down to dinner. As she walked down, she sucked in a breath. She was Clementine, the Biggest Woman to walk the face of the Earth, she could do this.

"Mum? Dad?" She began softly as they set out the last of the food.

"Yes Tom?" Clem's mother asked and Clementine took in another breath.

"I'm transgender. I'm a girl, my name is Clementine."



what's up big woman? :D

i came out to my parents!

thats awesome!
they were supportive?

it was pretty poggers

thats awesome clem :D

ur like... good at fashion n stuff?

i can ask niki
subtlety, you know

imma think about it
my mom told me she could help me later this week


yea my dad said hed only hate me if i commited a war crime
or something like that

i mean fair enough
at least hes supportive
or i would throw hands

thank you again eret
for everything

ofc :DDD

Clementine smiled, laying back down on her bed. Things so far weren't terrible. And she didn't have to come out quite yet, she could plan everything out. Despite her chaotic nature, having a slight plan was always somewhat comforting.

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