The Change

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Word about the Mandalorian's accomplishments traveled around quickly in these parts. Many eyes were focused on him as he entered the cantina, whether it was because of the fact he was a bounty hunter or his brand new shiny armor, he could care less. A lone man sitting in the corner booth waved him over upon spotting him. The sun beams streaming through the windows glistened off the new Beskar he wore and would be impossible to miss to any eye. 

"Ah Mando!" the man's face lifted up in the corners forming a light smile. He waved his hand to all the pedestrians glaring at him above their raised drinks. "They all hate you, you know. You're a legend!" his attempt of praise came out more taunting. 

"How many of them had tracking fobs?" Mando ignored the man's pathetic way to humor him. 

"All of them," the man named Karga scoffed. 

"All of them?" Mando repeated incredulously.

"But not one of them closed the deal." The man's grin widened, hoping to ease some of the tension growing. "Only you Mando, only you." He gestured for the bounty hunter to take a seat across from him and continued. "With it, the richest reward the parsec has ever seen. They're all weighing the Beskar in their minds, but not me. I for one celebrate your success, cause it is my success too. Now, how can I show my gratitude to my most valuable partner?" 

"I want my next job," Mando spoke blankly, ignoring the man's praises. 

"Next job?" Karga laughed as if he'd had asked something unbelievable. "Take time off and enjoy yourself."

"I want my next job," he repeated, this time in a tone that no one would want to question.

Karga sighed and dropped three bounty pucks sliding them across teh table towards him. "You hunters sure like to keep busy. These are all far away."

"The further the better."

"Well, take your pick. You've earned it." 

Mando studied them before picking one up setting it face down , the bounties hologram immediately popping up. 

"Ah, that's the best one of teh lot. A nobleman's son skipped bail," the man informed. Mando retrieved the puck, quick to stuff it in his right pocket. 

"Looks like you're headed to the ocean dunes of Karnac."

Mando scooted out of the booth and stood up prepared to leave but stopped, shifting his feet back around to face teh man once more. "Any idea what they're going to do to her?"

"With who?"

"The girl." 

"I didn't ask. It's against the Guild code," the man turned his attention briefly to the left over pucks on teh table retrieving them.

"They work for the Empire. What are they doing here?" 

"The Empire is gone Mando. All that are left are mercenaries and warlords. But if it's bothering you, just go back to the Core and report them to the New Republic," Karga pointed out. 

"That's a joke," Mando scoffed bitterly not buying a word of what the man was telling him. 

"Enjoy your reward. Buy a camtono of spice and by the time you come out of hyperdrive, you will have forgotten all about it," the man gave him another one of his grins, but the Mandalorian was already on his way out. 

                                                     *               *               *               * 

Before long he was back on his ship-a place where he didn't have to worry about all eyes on him, staring like he was some trophy warrior. He pulled out the bounty puck from his pocket and stared down at it flipping it over with his fingers. Normally, he'd be all in after taking on a new mission but even now as he powered up the engine a strange hunch kept nagging at his gut. Guild rule 2:

Never let emotions get in place between the quarry or the client. 

The quarries he brought in, he had immediately froze in carbonate, handing them directly off, no question asked. She had no chain cod, no puck, no name: She was just a completely helpless girl. Why did teh Client have need for her? She was no warlord, no hunter or criminal. Sure he was a thief but even a child could do better. Before he had a chance to counteract he was already powering down the engine before removing himself from the confines of the cockpit, the thought of turning back was not an option.   


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