The Trooper

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The ship was quiet other than the occasional beeping flaring up from the panel board that echoed throughout the cockpit. She didn't know his name. Never seen his face. She didn't know what his intentions for rescuing her were. All she could feel right now was a slight sense of apprehension about him and worried he may be having second thoughts. Glancing over with the slightest tilt of her head she couldn't help but notice how tense he seemed to be holding onto the ship's lever with an extreme amount of force as he guided it through the galaxy. Who was this Mandalorian? Was he even human? The fact she hadn't even seen a sliver of skin under all that armor got her to imagine what kind of creature he may be. Or maybe a droid? He didn't move like one and definitely didn't sound like one so she ruled that option out quickly. She wanted answers, like where were they going, but didn't have the courage to ask him, seeing he was a hunter who lacked communication. In her life as a slave she was taught to only talk when addressed to and if broken, could have serious consequences. This bounty hunter barely said a word, unless it was necessary and chose to move only when needed. She was terrified of him. Afraid to bother him in his silent state-afraid any words she might speak be brash or analytical. If he wasn't going to talk, maybe his ship held some answers. 

"I think I have to use the vac tube," she shifted in her seat behind him and waited with bated breath for him to respond. 


"I...I mean I could just do it right here, but you wouldn't want to clean up the mess." Her words must have caught his attention as his helmeted head slightly turned in her direction then back to the controls. A slight "okay" or a nod of the head would have sufficed instead all she got back was more silence. She stood up from her seat prompting a response but he didn't budge. It was almost like he was ignoring her and so she shifted towards the door which slid open upon the action. Exiting the cockpit and climbing carefully down the hatch into the belly of the ship she jumped to the floor and turned to her right. She spotted the vac tube in the corner, out in the open with no seclusion or privacy-it was a good thing she didn't actually have to go. Spinning around she took a full look at her surroundings, her eyes landed on the two big doors and walked over, yanking on the handle but to her luck, was locked tight. She glanced over to the other side where she had come through and spotted a panel board. Curiously she pushed on the big red button against her better judgment, hoping she wouldn't be the one to blow the ship to pieces. To her surprise the doors flung open upon being pushed and she nearly jumped at the loud sound it made. She thought she had found another hidden room but was shocked and a little frightened to find a vast array of weapons displayed in the illuminated compartment. She reminded herself that he was a bounty hunter but she couldn't hide the slightest chill to run down her spine at the thought of why he needed so many. With a sudden urge she rushed over to the panel board and sealed the doors fast, calmer once the they were shut and hidden again. She decided to press further down the core of the ships hull, finding it shrouded in darkness which should have been enough for her to turn back around but her curiosity took over. There was a faint glow of light that caught her attention so she followed it turning the corner and immediately halted, frozen in her tracks. Before her were nearly a dozen hanging carbonate containment's. The stories her aunt had told her when she was a child flooded her memory that sent another uncontrollable chill through her. The stories of how hunters captured and froze their victims shipping them off to dealers for a high price were real as she stood in front of them staring at them with her own two eyes. She dared to take a closer look and noticed they were all filled with prisoners until she reached the last one.

It was empty. 

Something glistened from underneath the containment so she crouched down to pick it up then held the object up into the light to get a better look. It appeared to be a knife and when she raised it to the light emitting from the carbonate she was alarmed to find it covered in blood. Another chill ran down her spine-not from the knife but from the sudden feeling of a presence looming behind her. She slowly turned around, heart racing, the bounty hunter towering over her. He must have noticed the knife in her hand as he immediately reached for it snatching it from her grasp. She closed her eyes, waiting for what was to come next but there was only continuing silence. She didn't dare open her eyes as she could still feel his presence by her, probably toying with her before closing her away in the frozen containment. 

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