Chapter 1

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"Arthur, you must consider, imagine what might happen if you don't... There isn't another place that would take him."  McGonagall stressed.  "You know well, that the Burrow may be the only place safe for him now."

"I will talk with Molly."  Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"It will be difficult but it is for the best."  McGonagall tutted in her Scottish accent, everything she said always sounded a mix of stern and of  deep care.  

"Yes, yes, I will owl you with our decision tonight." He said curtly.  McGonagall nodded and left his office, her cloak flowing behind her.  


"Arthur, you mustn't be serious!  The Malfoy boy under our roof, of all places!" Molly whispered harshly.

"Yes, McGonagall thinks it would be the safest place for him... You know with all the news going on around the Malfoy case and the Manor."  He said nursing his teacup that was now empty.

"You know McGonagall is normally a sound woman but she can not expect this of us!"

"She is not, we can say no."

 "We can't merely take in our enemies son?" Molly said ignoring Arthurs comment.  "Would he even want to come?" 

"I would hope so as the other options would be being tried as an adult, and it's not looking in his parent's favor. I doubt it would be any different for him."

There was a long pause. Molly and Arthur shared a long look and Molly reach for his hand, holding it tightly.

"Well... McGonagall has never failed us yet, maybe it is what is best for Draco, it is only for the summer..."  It sounded odd coming out of her mouth.  "Maybe our home would do him some good, it will be quite different than his and of course he will be safe from the media and anyone who might want to hurt him." Molly finally said. 

"Well all except maybe out lot..."  Arthur said. 

"Right, well we best let them then," Molly said with a motherly tone and walked towards the door.  Which prompted the sound of many feet shuffling.

"They may already know..." 


"What do you mean--"

"No you-"

"But He's-"


"If he steps one-"

"You can't hurt him Ro-"

"SILENTS!"  Arthur shouted. Causing all of his kids and Hermione and Harry to zip their lips and stare with wide's eyes at him. "Now."  He cleared his throat. "You may voice your concerns but Molly and I have already decided.  McGonagall thinks this will be the safes place for him, and Molly and I agree. Our home may be good for him,  and he will be away from media and people who want to hurt him."

"I want to hurt his slimy little ferret-"

"Ron that is enough!" Hermione exclaimed.  "I can see the benefits perhaps the Burrow would be beneficial." 

The rest of the weaslys all moaned and mutter something to the displeasing nature of "Oh shut it, Hermione."  

"Hermione is right,"  Arthur said. "Our home is very different than his own and the alternative is being tried as an adult, luckily for him, his crimes were committed when he was a kid and he has voluntarily given most of his memories of Lord Voldemort over which has helped his case. He is being hunted and the Manor is still being held by the ministry for now".  This will be the safest place for him."

"He did lie for us when we were at the manor," Harry said. 


"You have everything you need?"  Arthur had taken Draco to the Manor so he could collect some belongings and clothes.  They were now standing in the front yard garden.  

"Yes,"  Draco said plainly, his face bored and he felt confused by the whole thing.  The Manor was lonely but lonely was better than living with another family.  Let alone with the Weasleys family, how in the world did he get here.

"Alright, well let's go then,"  Arthur said curtly and held out his hand so they could apparate to the burrow. 

Draco was silent upon arrival and let go of Arthurs had as fast as he could. They were standing in the middle of a dirt road and in front of him was the Weasleys home.  It wasn't as grand as the Manor that he was sure of, but it was much taller and looked quite fantastical with the sun setting behind it.  He was sure it was being held together by magic. 

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