Chapter 2

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Arthur walked through the front door with Draco following close behind.

"Wait in the living room, and I'll be back to show you, your room," Arthur said looking at his watch and heading into the kitchen.

Draco didn't respond but walked forward into the Weasley living room, surveying the place he will be staying this summer. If someone had told Draco he would be spending the summer with the Weasley family he would have said he would rather die, but that was before he experienced Azkaban for a week, something he deemed worse than death. He would do anything if it meant he would never have to go back there. To be honest Draco was a little thankful the Weasleys decided to take him in, though he would never tell them that and deny it if anyone asked. Arthur would write him a review at the end of the summer and decided if he would be fit to return for school and as long as he completed his education he wouldn't be tried as an adult, those were the terms given to all the students who had been in support of Lord Voldemort. 

"Granger!" Draco blurted before he could contain his alarm. The girl had just rounded the corner and grabbed a book from the coffee table in the middle of the room. Her hand faltered a bit when he had said her name but she recovered quickly.

Hermione's head snapped up, eyes angry. She knew he was arriving late today, but had forgotten to check the time. She wasn't angry at him, more so Ron they had just gotten in a fight and she pretty sure they just broke up.  Malfoy was just the closest and easiest target. 

"What erm... are you doing here?" Draco said with a scowl on his face and no longer trying to hide annoyance. How dare she glares at me like that, he thought, all I have done is  stand here!

"I am here for the same reason as you, I don't have anywhere else to stay, not that it's any of your business. Though I do suppose I am a much more amiable house guest than you." Hermione replied with disdain and annoyance and then turned before he could reply and walked haughtily up the stairs.

Draco stood there unsure what to do now that the living room was empty. He felt very satisfied knowing he had vexed Granger so easily. 

"Right then, up to your room now!" Mr. Weasley said as he burst through a joining door of the living room and kitchen.

Draco followed Mr. Weasley up the stairs.

"So on the first-floor end of the hall is Molly and I's room, as well as two bathrooms to the right and our family's living room through the door on the left. On the second floor." He gestured to the hallway they walked past as they moved up the third flight. "Is Ginny and Hermione bathroom and the girl's bathroom plus the family's guest room. and on the third, we have Freds and Georges's room, another bathroom, and Percys room who is now staying with us, as he has quit the ministry. He would normally share with Bill, but Bill is recently married." Draco notice that Mr. Weasley had a great sense of pride when he mentions his son Percy leaving the ministry.

"And here on the fourth floor is our family game room, Harry and Ron's room, the library and now your room, which we added on a bathroom and your room just last week which is going to reserved for guests who would like to stay longer than the usual length." Mr. Weasley finished with a cheerful tone.

"Oh, Potter is here as well as Granger," Draco said which was meant as a statement but was taken as a question by Mr. Weasley.

"Indeed, Harry and Hermione only stay sometimes. Harry has his own house, Grimmwauld place, and Hermione stays there too.  Her parents live in Australia! Right now Grimmwauld is undergoing some renovations." 

"Great," Draco said dryly, He found it interesting that Potter had his own place and that Hermione was from Australia.

"And this here is your room." Mr. Weasley pointed to a door at the end they were standing in front of. "I hope you like it the girl made it up for you."

"Thank you,"  Draco said but it felt forced so he didn't know if it sounded genuine.  He opened the door to his room and Arthur said goodnight and walked towards the end of the hall disappearing as he took the stairs. 

Once in his room, he began to unpack and examine the place he was going to be staying. It was late in the evening and he was tired. It was a room of normal size, with nice character. The ceiling was high and with a sky light window. There was an additional two widows on the wall facing out, that over looked Weasleys quidditch goal posts. He noticed his carpet was green and bed spread was silver and green, with the Slytherin crest on one pillow. There was a dresser and wardrobe  against the wall adjacent to the door and a dark green chair next too a black table under the window.  On the head board of his bed he notice a piece of paper with gold writing. It read 'Welcome Draco Malfoy' I curly writing.  

He grab the envelope and opened it, 


We know that this is just as odd for you as it is for all of us, that is to have you stay with us this summer. We want to make the most of our summer and hope you do too. We are willing to see past all the thing that you and your family have done, if you are willing to move beyond it.

-Hermione and Ginny

p.s. We hope you like your room!

Then in another handwriting, one that is less delicate and rushed.

If you step out of line, I will be there!


There was another name scribbled out, it looked like Harry but he could be sure.

The hand writing from above returned. 

Ron made me promise to not remove his note, he is just being uncooperative right now I wouldn't pay him any thought, he will come around eventually. 


"hm that's thoughtful of them." Draco said quietly to himself, then sighing decided to lay on his bed. Looking out the window he concluded there wasn't any other houses near by, he was completely and utterly alone with the Weasleys for the whole summer. And Granger and Potter.

Weasleys plus Granger and Potter, for a whole summer, he thought and a sense of dread filled him. 

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