our first time.

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girl, no need to be nervous
'cause i got u all night

[ fluff/lime]


Giggling loudly as she fell back on to the dark grey bedsheets, which belonged the boy she was more than one hundred percent in love with, Nini smiled excitingly when she felt his soft lips travel from her plump, glossy lips to her exposed neck, leaving little kisses all over the side of it.

Her hand found its own way to his head of messy, dark brown curls, letting her fingers rake through them, a little shocked when it didn't feel tangled at all. His curls were soft, only making the girl want to run her fingers through it again and again.

For the things she was feeling in this exact moment, her breathing was surprisingly calm; slowed even. With each breath, her chest rose a bit, coming in contact with the chest of the boy who was currently attacking her neck with little love pecks, that's how close they were.

Pure bliss was all she felt as his lips soon found their way to her defined jaw, now sucking on her soft skin and sending shivers through out her body, practically making it impossible to stay quiet.

While Nini was humming in pleasure, Ricky couldn't help the smug smile that started forming, taking in her sweet, vanilla scent each time he tried to deepen the kiss on her skin, knowing it wasn't even possible at this point.

The boy hardly held himself up with his right hand as he caressed her body with his left. His hand was traveling up her side, slowly moving up and down before ultimately stopping at the hem of her shirt, which also happened to be where her jeans started, but first, he decided to let his hand slide up and under her shirt in a hurry, a need to touch her bare skin.

She was smooth and so tempting, he couldn't help his feeling for needing and wanting more.

If you're looking for some back story, here it is.

The two nineteen year olds have been dating for a year now. In fact, they're on their one year anniversary date now. And if you're wondering why it sounds like he's so needy - it's because he is.

They've never been intimate before. Not that it was never brought up, it was just never really talked about in detail. Especially with the way Nini felt about it all. She was afraid to say the least. Ricky wasn't a virgin, and it scared her a lot - the thought of losing her virginity to an experienced person. Only everything that could go wrong filled her head every time it was brought up.

And the thoughts only flooded back when his hand kept traveling further and further up her shirt, soon reaching the hem of her bra, mindlessly starting to fumble with it as he continued going at her jaw. Her heart felt like it was beating nearly a mile a minute. Was he actually trying to make a move right now? She thought.

"Wait.." She mumbled breathlessly, Ricky stopping for a moment, waiting for her to continue. "I.. Just remembered t-that I have to get back to my apartment." She lied, horribly, might I add. Even the gullible boy above her knew she wasn't telling the truth right now. Especially the way she spoke, he could tell she was nervous fibbing right now. Her voice would get pitchier and she would often trip over her words.

"Really?" He fed into it, wanting to see how far she would take this.

"Mhm.. My roommate she's, uh.. She's sick. And I need to assist her." Nini urgently nods, Ricky now pushing himself off of her, taking a hold on her hand to help lift her from her spot as he stood in front of her from the edge of his bed, watching as Nini straightened out her shirt with her free hand. Honestly, he was just shocked that she was pulling this during their one year date. They've been together for a while now, communication should've been there and well by now.

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