Chapter 6: Happy Birthday To Us!

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{Mombie Dearest: 1x06}


[In one of the DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAYS, a familiar-looking woman in a wedding dress and veil slowly walks through the school, her identity concealed by the hazy sunlight shining through the window. The camera zooms in on a pearl bracelet and engagement ring on her left wrist and ring finger]

[The scene cuts to ALARIC'S OFFICE, where Alaric is having a somewhat heated conversation with Caroline on the phone, his back turned away from the door. On his desk is a large book opened to reveal a variety of symbols, sigils, and runes]

ALARIC: [on the phone] I know what you're doing is important, Caroline...

[Alaric tosses a notebook with the symbol the dryad carved into the table at the cabin drawn onto it on the desk, clearly frustrated]

ALARIC: But how do I tell the girls that their mom isn't gonna be there for their sixteenth birthday? I can't exactly tell them what you're really involved in.

[Out in the HALLWAY, the woman in the wedding dress continues to walk through the school, the hem of her lace and tulle dress dragging on the floor. She finally makes it to Alaric's office and reaches out with her left hand to slowly twist the doorknob to enter the room]

[Back in ALARIC'S OFFICE, Alaric pauses, and Caroline says something that the audience is not privy to hearing before he sighs and responds]

ALARIC: I-I am nowhere near cracking this case. I have a knife, I have a symbol, I have a place, sort of... But I don't know what any of it means, a-and I don't know what's connecting it, and I don't know what monster is coming next!

[Just then, a familiar female voice is heard behind Alaric as the woman in the wedding dress enters the office through the waiting room]

JO: Ric?

[Alaric turns around and is stunned speechless by the sight of Jo Laughlin, his deceased wife, standing before him. With the camera finally zooming in on her, the blood stains on her dress from when her twin brother Kai stabbed and killed her at her and Alaric's wedding are glaring. After a long moment of gaping at Jo, who looks equally confused, he finally finds his voice and ends the call with Caroline]

ALARIC: ...I've got to call you back.

[Alaric hangs up the phone]

[Meanwhile, out in the HALLWAY, classes have just been dismissed, and Dorian is in the middle of discussing something with one of the teenage students when Alaric's frantic shout is heard through the corridors]

ALARIC: Dorian!

[Dorian wastes no time stopping what he's doing and running toward the headmaster's office]

[Back in the office, Alaric has just grabbed and loaded a crossbow he keeps under his desk for just such occasions and has just aimed it at Jo, who puts her hands up in a non-threatening gesture, when Dorian rushes into the room and looks at the both of them in confusion]

DORIAN: Are you okay?

[Dorian. too, holds up his hands in alarm, not sure what is going on, and Jo immediately tries to talk her husband down]

JO: Whoa, whoa! Ric, if you could just put down the crossbow...? My freak-out level is about eleven right now.

[Dorian, still unclear on what is happening, frowns in confusion as he looks at Alaric]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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