Chapter 2: One Patient

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Chapter 2: One Patient

After recovering Meredith met Addison at the front the house. They hopped in Addison's car because she had insisted she wanted to drive because it was her convertible. Meredith didn't argue too much and just got on the passenger seat as an overly amused Addison sat next to her in the driver's seat.

There wasn't much traffic on their way into the practice, which made things less stressful but as they pulled up and parked Addison went eerily silent.

"Hey." Meredith reached a hand to the redhead's shoulder.

"Hey." Addison echoed, a small smile brightening her blue green eyes once more. "Thanks for coming."

"You were right. I'd be lounging on a chair being a bum." Meredith chuckled.

"I know I was right." Addison perked up some more and winked at her. "Let's go Dr. Grey."

Chuckling and shaking her head Meredith got out of the car and followed after the all too leggy and fabulous redhead. They got in the elevator and again Meredith could see the nerves bubbling up.

"You look like a little kid, all fidgety and trembly. Where did Satan go?" Meredith teased, which she sorta wished she hadn't because the redhead's demeanor changed but then she sorta did.

Addison's eyes fell on her quickly, the nerves completely left the redhead's body as she stepped closer, making Meredith step back until she hit the wall. Addison's eyes shone brightly and all her features showing just how devilish and terrifying she could be. A wicked smirk grew on her face as she noticed Meredith's slight cowering.

"Satan is very good at hiding in plain sight. You'd do well to remember that, Grey." Her voice came low and husky.

Meredith stood there unmoving and unblinking for a while. She felt as if she was being devoured whole while she stared into those fierce smirking blue green eyes. For a moment she beat herself over it. How could this woman do that much to her? Meredith wasn't one to back down. She wasn't one to be cornered and yet Addison had her there completely paralyzed. She let out a sigh of relief as the elevator dinged.

"Guess, we're here." Addison winked at her, her voice coming up to a higher and more perky tone. Meredith just stared after her. Addison turned with a frown as she noticed the blonde still stood there.

"Mer, c'mon." Addison whined, snapping Meredith away from her trance and then grabbing her hand gently she pulled her out of the elevator.

They walked in Addison tightly holding onto Meredith and approached the front desk where a blonde teenage surfer looking guy stood arranging papers, while on the phone. The blonde found herself marveling at how easily and quickly Addison switched from her devilish and intimidating persona to the light and insecure one holding onto her hand.


"Dell, right? Where's Naomi? I need to talk to her." Addison said urgently as Meredith glanced around.

"She should be up in a few minutes. How are you doing?" Dell grinned his toothy smile.

"Fine. I just need Nae." Addison insisted.

"Addison?" A man called next to Meredith with a smirk.

"Hi Pete." Addison smiled awkwardly.

"Addison, hey." A woman was calling behind, Pete. She was somewhat short with curly hair.

"Violet, hi. How are you?" Addison's smile relaxed a bit.

"Oh. Is that Dr. Montgomery?" A playful looking man said behind Addison.

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