Chapter 6: Green Monster

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Chapter 6: Green Monster

The surgery for Dr. Philips' patient had been a success and so had the one she had just done now a week later. Two successful surgeries and having Meredith there, she was golden. It was easy to fall back into their old routine in the OR, though she did give the blonde more freedom now that she was a resident. They really had been in the zone. Meredith was already familiar with how she worked and always knew where she'd need what. They had worked seamlessly together, moving and matching each other as if in a sweet waltz.

For a moment Addison recalled the first time they had worked together, when she had been so anxious and unsure with her in the OR. The T.T.T.S. case back in Seattle Grace. She had dreaded that first time despite it being her own idea. She had been nervous with the blonde behind her yet somehow the nerves eased for some reason or another. Now though she found herself looking forward to working with the blonde and judging by the expression on Meredith's face the resident was on the same boat.

"Good job in there Grey." She smiled at the blonde as they scrubbed out.

"Me? Me?! Addison, you were amazing. Like I know how good you are but getting to see it is awesome. You're awesome." Meredith gushed with that pretty smile of hers.

"I know I am but feel free to keep praising me." She grinned and tilted her head innocently.

Meredith scoffed and rolled her eyes, "really? Always so humble."

"You know you love it." Addison smirked and mindlessly tucked a few errant golden strands behind the blonde's ear.

Meredith's face grew red quickly while attempting to say something and failing. The blonde was such an adorable and stuttering mess and Addison just couldn't help herself. It was just too fun to rile the blonde up and so, so, easy to do it too.

"You were pretty great too." She said with a wink and another grin.

"T-thanks." Meredith stammered, the pink on her cheeks spreading to her ears and neck. Addison couldn't help her smirk as Meredith took a step back. "Why do you always have to do that?" The blonde huffed.

"Do what, Grey?" She asked in feigned ignorance.

"You—" Meredith began but stopped flushed furiously the moment she took a step forward.

"You're so much fun to tease. You get all flustered and kinda cute. But I could stop if you wanted me to." Addison continued moving forward until the blonde's back hit the door. "Do you want me to?" She braced herself on the door with her hands on either side of Meredith essentially trapping her and leaned in close to the blonde's ear, "Satan does abide by the rules sometimes." She let out with a sultry voice and chuckled when she noticed Meredith's slight shudder.

She pulled back with a softer smile and toned down the intensity in her eyes, which seemed to snap the blonde out of it.

"You're impossible, you know that?" Meredith's voice was slightly shaky as she tore her baby blue eyes away from her.

Addison grinned and took a few steps back — it wasn't a no — with shrug, "and yet you lo—"

"Yeah. I guess. Whatever." Meredith waved her hands and half turned to open the door.

Addison ignored the flop her stomach did at the blonde's admission, "glad we see eye to eye."

Meredith let out a sigh, "let's go, Addison."

"After you." She grinned with a bow and was rewarded with a grin from the still slightly flushed blonde.


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