Chapter 8: Not Drunk, Tipsy

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It had been thirteen hours of active labor and of course she had to stay with the mother. This had been the first pregnancy and they were twins. The mother was a nervous wreck and her husband had been serving overseas. The end of his tour was coming up at least. Still it left the mother alone to deal with the delivery and Addison wasn't about to leave her to suffer on her own. Thus she had stayed with her. All thirteen hours.

A huge tired sigh escaped her the moment she set foot at home. It was dark and quiet inside, which was amazing after the howling screams of pain she had endured for most of the late evening. Throwing herself on the couch she grumbled as she heard her stomach rumbling. She had forgotten to get something to eat on the way and she was starving.

"This is stupid."

With a soft groan she stood once more and headed for the kitchen. Maybe she'd actually use the cucumbers Meredith had so nicely cut for her. She chuckled at the memory while flicking the light to the kitchen on.

Her eyes fell on a pizza box sitting on the counter with a taped note on it. Walking closer she smiled noting that, of course, it was Meredith's handwriting. Taking the note she opened the box to find half of a cheese pizza waiting for her. She popped some slices in the small oven for a few minutes before reading the note.

Kinda sad we couldn't do lazy things together but I do think those twins deserved the best. Since it looks like you're not coming back any time soon I decided to be a good girlfriend ;) and get you some dinner. I promise it's good even if it's cold. Though knowing you, you'll probably heat it up. Also yes, I broke in to leave it here but in my defense someone left the door open. Wonder who? It couldn't be you because you're not an idiot, right?

Nite, Addison.

Glancing out her kitchen window she found Meredith's house standing in darkness. The blonde was probably asleep. Addison read the note over and over giggling to herself. Meredith had most definitely been a "good girlfriend" as she had said. Getting her dinner and calling her an idiot at the same time was almost sweet. She could see the eye roll from baby blue eyes at the fact that she had indeed heated up the pizza. Also the smirk most likely plastered on the blonde's face while she wrote about the unlocked door. But no matter she'd make Meredith pay for that one.

The ding of the oven snapped her out of her head and she grabbed her warm dinner. Carefully folding the note once more she left it on the counter and headed for the couch. The pizza was the best thing she had ever tasted. That fact however might be due to her being starving but then maybe it was because a certain someone had left it for her.

Looking out the glass into the deck had a few chuckles escaping her. Right outside the doors she now had a small barricade made up of lounge chairs. It reminded her of the one she had made for Meredith before.

"You really are something, Grey."

A wide grin settled on her face while a warm feeling settled in her stomach. Meredith had always been there, unknowingly carving a spot inside Addison's heart. With everything that was going on between them and how close they got every time the spot was becoming larger. She had done her best to ignore it but with the grin etched into her face and the butterflies spreading everywhere at the mere thought of the blonde she knew any attempt to ignore it was futile.

"Uh-oh. I warned her not to fall but I think I should've heeded my own warning." She tsked herself. "Addison, you're screwed."


Meredith stood at her sink, half empty cup of water in her hand, angrily eyeing the darkened kitchen in the house next door as if it had personally offended her. In truth she was upset over the fact that since Addison had stayed over they had barely had the chance to wave hello and goodbye before either of them had to go. Sometimes they didn't even get to wave and would just smile before disappearing. It was probably a bit stupid of her to be angry because of that but it had been weeks. She only wanted to see her. Well, more than see her. She wanted to spend some time together. Why did everyone have to have their due dates all at the same time? Couldn't they do something else during the winter?

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