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So I started getting interested in Love Live thanks to PS4 game and I thought, hey, I want to make a Love Live! story. Problem though, I know little to jack s**t about Love Live!. (By the time of this chapter's release, maybe)

Because I know little to jack s**t about Love Live!, I decided to make a chapter anyway and show everyone why you should never make a chapter, let alone a story, while knowing absolutely nothing about a series.

Heard that, this is what you should NOT do.

So knowing I was gonna make this chapter, I decided to learn as little as possible when it comes to the characters so I can be as inconsistent to the show that I can be. I did check the bios and animations of some character in the game, but only once or twice, and others not al all, so that gives me somewhat of an idea. Hey, I need their names. How they act and their interests though may be very off.

I also ended up looking up stuff throughout Love Live, sorry, but I have a horrible habit of looking at areas knowing I shouldn't because of spoilers.

Other than those, feel free to let me know how wrong I was throughout the chapter. Don't worry about spoilers, just tell me how stupid I was.

I may also add headcannons and random references here and there, but again, I was just making s**t up for the most part. You can tell, trust me.

With that out of the f***ing way, on to the story I may regret later.

??? (Orange M): I am Honoka Kosaka and I attend an all girls school.

??? (Orange A): I am Chika Takami, and I have no idea what I'm doing.

*Different schools, different stories, same time, maybe*

Honoka: I do like gi... I mean music.

Chika: I do like singing.

Honoka: And my school's shutting down.

Chika: And I already packed because, uhh?

Honoka: Which means...

Chika: Oh right, the school's... shutting down...

*Same Time*
Honoka: I'm f***ed.
Chisa: F**k!

Prime example, but this was on purpose. I wanted to know the general idea of why each girl started a band. I know I shouldn't because of the story, but it gives me some idea.

I'm sorry.

Anyway, the rest of each story will be on their own chapters. Go ahead and read them.

Also, I will explain pretty much the same thing on both chapters because I'm assuming some people won't read both chapters.

Why You Shouldn't Make a Story While Knowing Nothing About a SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now