Aqours - Aquas

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??? (Orange A): I am Chika Takami, and I have no idea what I'm doing.

Chika: I do like singing.

Chika: And I already packed because, uhh?

Chika: Oh right, the school's... shutting down...

Chika: F**k!

And now to Sunshine!

Also, everything will be summed up quickly because I don't know enough to write 2 whole seasons & a movie.

Also, write all the spoilers. I don't give a f**k honestly.


??? (Sailor): I heard the school's shutting down. Don't worry, my sailor ass will help save it.

Chika: And you are?

??? (Sailor): Exactly. You Watanabe.

Chika: I'm you?

You: Haha, no. We're gonna get along just fine.

Chika: Yeah, if you say so.

You: I actually have something to show you.

Chika: Hi You.

You: Ha ha, follow me.

*Time Skip*

Random Classroom

Random Girl: Goddamn it. F**k, I can't deal with this stupid ass s**t anymore. I quit!

*She storms out while flipping everyone off*

Knew someone else was in charged of Aqours, but I likely butchered this part.

You: Damn, now we're without a leader.

Chika: Who was that?

??? (Yellow Uniform): Don't worry about her. Hi, I'm Hanamaru Kunikida, I'm a part of Aqours.

You: I am two.

Chika: Wow, is that a club?

Hanamaru: Somewhat.

*She looks at the logo*

Chika: Yup, that spells Aquas

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Chika: Yup, that spells Aquas.

Hanamaru *Whispers to You*: Is she retarded?

You: Yeah but I love it.

*Time Skip*

Random Staff Member: Allright everyone. Here's today's assembly.

Literally All The Students: Aww.

*Time Skip*

Same Staff Member: And now for the end of this assembly.

Random Student: Thank f**k!

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