Chapter 86: Shock, absolute shock

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All the students, including the teacher, looked at Ye Chen and wanted to see how many fierce beasts Ye Chen would set up.

I saw Ye Chen slowly put up a finger, and then placed this finger on the fifth step.

Set fierce beast, Tier 5!

what! ! !

All the faculty and staff of the New Life College became shocked.

Tier 5 fierce beast, this is Tier 5 fierce beast!

They only felt that Ye Chen must be wrong.

Feng Yun smiled coldly, he thought Ye Chen was too arrogant, wait, I will let the old student take care of you!

A Tier 5 fierce beast Ben Leihu appeared on the trial platform.

Ben Leihu roared and flew towards Ye Chen.

"Tiger Cloud Palm!"

Huang Tier's low-level skills Hu Yunzhang hit out.

Ye Chen's strength is comparable to Tier 5 Fierce Beasts, but with the existence of the three major talents, Tier 5 Fierce Beasts are nothing more than that.

You must know that the fierce beast set has no attribute talent!

With just one blow, the Tier 5 fierce beast rushed to Thunder Tiger and disappeared.

how is this possible!

Everyone in the trial field was stunned, how dare they believe this was true.

Tier 5 fierce beast was beaten by one blow?

They thought that Ye Chen had chosen the wrong one before, but now it seems that they were wrong.

Then, Ye Chen chose ten more Tier 5 fierce beasts, still being broken up by a tiger cloud palm, the whole process was really fast.

Everyone in the trial field opened their eyes wide, and their mouths were so open that they could fit an extra-large bowl.

Eleven Tier 5 fierce beast phantoms, just gone?

They couldn't imagine how strong Ye Chen was anymore.

Just when they thought it was over, a scene that shocked them even more appeared before their eyes.

Ye Chen chose a Tier 6 fierce beast fire carving!

The Fire Pattern Sculpture waved its wings and stared at Ye Chen, attacking Ye Chen at any time.

There were six Yuanhais in Ye Chen's body, and the six Yuanhais were only Yuanhais of six-star warriors, but two were almost withered.

Because this fire pattern carving has no attribute talent, otherwise even if it is a phantom, Ye Chen can't beat it.

Suddenly, I saw the Fire Pattern Carving open his big mouth, and a blaze burst out from his mouth, pushing Ye Chen away.

Ye Chen thinks you have a fire, am I gone?

"Fire control!"

A fiery flame also burst out from Ye Chen's palm, and two fiery flames began to collide.


Fire talent! ! !

Everyone in the trial field was shocked to the point where it could not be added.

But when he was awakening his talent, he did not detect that Ye Chen had a fire talent.

What is going on, what is going on!

After the fierce flames that confronted each other offset, Ye Chen emitted fierce flames again, and found that there was a lot of vitality, which was willful.

After all, the fire carving is a Tier 6 fierce beast, so naturally he didn't let it go, opening his big mouth again and spouting flames.

Fought each other with fire thirty times!

"Ye, isn't Ye Chen's vitality used up?"

"Ye Chen was a two-star warrior when he enrolled in the exploration, even if he is a three-star warrior now, it is impossible to have so much vitality."

"Ye Chen is really terrifying!"

Just when the students were shocked, Ye Chen urged the shadow step, the speed was fast.

"Strong Bull Demon Fist!"

The powerful Niu Demon Fist with a low-level profound skill was sent out, and it hit the fire pattern carving heavily.

The fire carving disappeared!

Everyone present was too shocked. At the moment when the fire carving disappeared, they all froze in place like a clay sculpture and wood carving.

They seemed to have seen a scene they could never see.

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