Chapter 121: Senior Beast Soldier Grade Fierce Beast, Cold Water Demon Flood

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The Spike Team continued to look for the beast in the north city.

"Bronze tortoise!"

Suddenly, Bai Ziming shouted.

Several members of the Wolfyao team followed Bai Ziming's gaze and found a huge tortoise tens of meters away from them.

The tortoise is brass-colored, and looks extremely dazzling under the sun.

"Bronze tortoise: fierce beast."

"Talent: Advanced defense talent."

"Level: Tier Nine."

Advanced defense talent?

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth rose slightly, and a wonderful color appeared on his face.

"Do you want to copy?"


A few seconds later, Ye Chen copied the advanced defense talent of the Copper Tortoise.

At this point, all attribute talents have become advanced talents.

After he copied the advanced defense talent of the copper tortoise, the copper tortoise was also pierced by Mu Qing's sword.

Although the Bronze Tortoise is an advanced defense talent, it is only a Tier 9 fierce beast after all.

The five-member Yuanjing card of the Spike Team once again received more than 16,000 yuan.

Ye Chen opened his own property panel:

"Host: Ye Chen."

"Cultivation talent: Mysterious level."

"Hidden talents: fire talent, advanced power talent, advanced speed talent, and advanced defense talent."

"Skills: Yuan Ling Batian Jue, God-level Fire Control Technique, Powerful Bull Demon Fist, Shadow Step, Streaming Shadow Step, King Kong Shield, Tiger Cloud Palm."

"Realm: Two-Star Grand Master."

Ye Chen was still very satisfied with his attributes.


The attribute talent is at most advanced, he now needs more natural talents.


Suddenly, there was a sound from the communication watch on Mu Qing's wrist.

Mu Qing pressed a button, a light flashed from the communication watch, and a slightly old face appeared on the light.

"Leader, what's the matter?"

The image projected by the communication table is Gao Qishan, the leader of the Mercenary Alliance.

"Mu Qing, the cold water magic flood in the cold lake of the northern city has left the cold lake, and the main team of the four major mercenaries suffered heavy casualties. Go and help them!"

what! ! !

All the members of the Spike Mercenary Team were shocked.

The Cold Water Demon Flood Dragon came out of the cold pool?

"Let's go to Hantan!"

At the sound of the sound, a few members of the Spike Mercenary Team hurriedly headed towards Hantan.


what! ! !

The Spike Mercenary Squad could already hear the roar and screams of the beast.

After a while, a ten-foot-long Cold Water Demon Flood Dragon appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

This Cold Water Demon Flood Dragon's body was pitch-black, his eyes were green, and his head had two horns. It swallowed a one-star master in one bite.

what! ! !

The screams were endless.

The five main mercenary groups of the Mercenary Alliance:

The Spike Mercenary Group, the Wind Slaughter Mercenary Group, the Kuanglei Mercenary Group, the Blackwater Mercenary Group, and the Fire Snake Mercenary Group.

Around Hantan are the main teams.


A two-star master shouted loudly.

They all came to the North City to hunt down fierce beasts, but the Cold Water Demon Flood, who hadn't been out of the cold lake for more than three years, unexpectedly appeared.

But the speed of the Cold Water Demon Jiao was too fast, but in an instant, two Grand Masters died.

Ye Chen was more than ten meters away from the Cold Water Demon Flood Dragon, but he knew that he would never give up this opportunity.

He urged the Xuan-level advanced martial arts streamer and shadow step, coupled with the high-speed talent, immediately shortened the distance much.

"Cold Water Demon Jiao: Fierce Beast."

"Talent: Water system talent."

"Level: Senior Beast Soldier Level."

Ye Chen quickly copied the water element talent of the Cold Water Demon Flood Dragon.


The cold water demon bird opened his blood basin, and the water dragon wave flew out from the blood basin.

Several one-star masters, too late to dodge, were hit by the water dragon wave, and instantly melted into a bone.

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