Chapter 96: The terrified wolf squad

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hapter 96: The terrified wolf squad

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Eight-star warrior was knocked out by a punch?

Both the Ferocious Wolf Squad and the Furious Wolf Squad were shocked.

Ye Chen's face didn't fluctuate at all, he looked at Huang Jiang, the captain of the wolf squad.

"I'll say it again and apologize." Ye Chen said slowly, "Don't let me say it a third time."

Now he is absolutely invincible in the realm of ten-star warriors, and he doesn't care about a Huang Jiang.

Huang Jiang was furious when he heard this, "I didn't expect that there would be a strong like you in the crazy wolf team. I didn't expect it!"

"I just want me to apologize to Huang Jiang, you are not qualified yet!"

When the sound fell, Huang Jiang shouted:

"Mad Scorpion Palm!"

Yellow-level advanced skills, mad scorpion palm.

A wild scorpion formed of vitality burst out of Huang Jiang's hand and attacked Ye Chen.

Ye Chen shook his head and sighed, it seems that Huang Jiang still doesn't understand.

"Strong Bull Demon Fist!"

Seeing Ye Chen jumped out, the shadow step speed of the yellow-level advanced skills was too fast, plus the profound-level low-level skills, the powerful Niu Moquan.

The mad scorpion that struck was instantly beaten out of sight.

And this punch did not stop!

The shadow step plus the talent of medium speed, and the distance is too close, so that Huang Jiang can't resist such a punch at all, so he has to raise his fist to make it hard.

But as soon as Huang Jiang's fist hit Ye Chen's fist, he spouted a mouthful of blood, only feeling that the sky was dim.

Without a doubt, Huang Jiang fell to the ground, just like the eight-star warrior who passed out.

This this this...

The members of the Ferocious Wolf Squad all opened their eyes wide, and their faces were full of horror.

The captain lost like this?

"Now." Ye Chen faintly looked at the members of the Fierce Wolf Squad, "Do you still think the Ten-Star Martial Artist is very strong?"

As soon as the members of the Ferocious Wolf team heard this, they only felt a chill from their tail vertebrae rushing to the Tianling Gai.

"Yes, I'm sorry, we were wrong." A Ferocious Wolf team member said to Ye Chen in horror, his voice trembling violently.

"Leave." Ye Chen said lightly, "Don't forget to take them away together."

The members of the Fierce Wolf Team quickly lifted the Eight-Star Warrior and Huang Jiang up, and fled here.


A member of the crazy wolf team called out.

"Haha, isn't the Ferocious Wolves team always strong, right now?"

"Ye Chen." Shi Long looked at Ye Chen and hesitated, "Can you tell us what realm you are now?"

All the team members also looked at Ye Chen, and they naturally wanted to know Ye Chen's current realm.

"Eight-star warrior." Ye Chen said.


Shi Long and the team were surprised.

Can an eight-star warrior defeat Huang Jiang of a ten-star warrior so easily?

This is obviously impossible.

Seeing the doubts on Shi Long and the other team members' faces, Ye Chen looked at the sun in the sky and slowly spoke:

"I am from the Supreme Temple."


Shi Long and the team were shocked again.

The Supreme Temple?

Although they have never heard of the Supreme Temple, they can imagine with their toes that the Supreme Temple must be a supreme power.

They finally understood why Ye Chen could leapfrog the challenge.


A long distance away, the crazy wolf squad suddenly heard several terrifying screams.

"Could it be that there is a powerful beast ahead?" Shi Long asked in a little shock.

Ye Chen's face became a little exciting when he heard that, he could still copy a talent now, and he needed to meet a powerful beast.

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