The Third Bestfriend

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FlashBack- First Grade

"Play basketball with me Shogo!"

"Can't we eat lunch first Testuya? It's call lunch tine for a reasons."

"But basketball!"

"Lunch first!"

"Yeah lunch first." A new voice came fron behind the two.

"Can I play to?"

"No you play dirty."


Haizaki stood up to face the other kid who was slightly taller then him.

Testuya took a deep breath befors walked right between the two.

"Hi!" He yelled which made the two jump.

"Where you come from shorty?"

"Don't call him that!"

"My name is Akashi Testuya but you can call me Testuya. Yes I'm the younger twin. But we go to different schools for now. Play with us but no dirty play. People will know what tricks or dirty play you use. Then they'll use it against you." Testuya said before walking away to play basketball.

"See he likes me!" The kid said before running after the small one.

"But lunch!" Haizaki whined but went to follow the two.

No lunch again today.

Makoto Hanamiya Thought/POV

I was sitting at my desk watching some videos of basketball when I got the call.

"I Don't even want to know how you got my number satan! What do you want?"

"Switch schools and move-"

"Not happening, I like my school. Is it has to do with small one. I can visit but not moving or switching school."

"At least move closer to Kuroko Testuya. He moved out and lives with an old friend of yours and his soon to be new boyfriend."

I noicted the name different but moving out? I haven't heard from the two in years.

"Tell me what I miss."

I sat there listening to what Satan had to say before I toss my phone at the wall.

I stood up quickly making my chair fall backwords. I walked over to my door but grabbed my wallet by the dresser.

I went for a walk but now had to buy a new phone. I was piss.

How dare they treat small one like that! Fine I'll get new phone and force Satan to pay be back. And force him to buy me a place closer but not to close or to far from my school.

I like my school and if the other one is there. Then small one should be fine.

But I'll make sure to visit all the time now.

I won't allow anyone else harm him.

I'll always check out his school.

His so call new teammates.

Any friends he made already.

I feel like a stalker just thinking about it. But I will Protect him.

No matter the cost or price.

I'll glady pay it all.

Don't worry Small one.

Makoto Hanamiya is one his way!

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