(Fix) New School Life

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(I may had forgotten one person who been add. Thank you everyone for letting me know. :)

Kuroko Thought POV

I stood in front of the Seirin high gates with a small smile on my face. I maded my driver drop me off about a block away. I also force the three not to come with me since I'll be just fine on my own.

Once I took a step forward knowing this is the first step into my new life.

A new better life then the one I had in the past…

Taiga Kagami Thought POV

It's been a long time since I had been back in Japan from America. Ever since I came back, I been hearing so much from this Teiko Middle School.

They had been saying that school basketball club was full of Legends. They were called The Generation Of Miracles. They had five well know prodigy but there were really six of them.

Rumors had it that two of them were blood related. And not just any two but the two top dogs in that club were somehow twins!

One was to The Caption aka The Empire!

The other one was know as The Phantom.

Both are them sound very dangerous to the point I can't wait to play against them. Sadly no one knows which school the Phantom had went to. The Empire had went to a well known school call Rakuzan High.

Everyone knew that school!

Good thing I'm goong to a brand new school call Seirin High. Last year team didn't get very far but this year I'll make sure that it does!

I also want to play against this Ace from The Generation Of Miracles. I heard he's also vert strong but then again he was kick out of the team at the end of third year Middle school.

Not only that but The Phantom and The Empire dropped out of school along with another member of The Generation Of Miracles.

It seems that something had happen…

But what?

After hearing so much about them. I had to know all there names. It was very easy to get them. So once I got them, I study them like crazy!

And trust me I can't study at all which I know I can't…

Atsushi Murasakibara aka The Shield.

Daiki Aomine aka The Ace.

Shintarō Midorima aka The Shooting Guard.

Kise Ryouta aka The Copy Cat.

Seijūrō Akashi aka The Empire.

Tetsuya Kuroko aka The Phantom.

Can't wait!

First day of Siren High but Afternoon time in the Gym- Kagami POV

After I put my shirt back on I look over to see the coach having a confuse look on her face. I wonder why?

"Tetsuya Kuroko?"

My eyes widened at that name. I knew that name since I made sure that I study it! I started hearing the other kids whispering.

Looks like everyone knows who he is.

"Looks like he's not here…"


Everyone screamed when a blue hair boy appear right infront of Couch. I even jump back a little but held in my screams.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Tetsuya Kuroko, "

I stared at him while ignoring what's being said around us. He looks so weak but smells like nothing. His arua is like nothing. There's a very good reason to why he's call The Phantom.

Looks like things are going to be fun!

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