Figuring Things Out/Strange Eyebrow Kid

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First day of Siren High but Afternoon time in the Gym- Kuroko POV

I stood there not taking off my shirt when the coach said to. After all I didn't want anyone to see my scars. I also had the file in my bag that Sei-Kun told me to give to my coach.

I stare right at the coach who seems confuse. That made me smile since I knew why.

"Tetsuya Kuroko?"

Once my name was said the strange eyebrow kid seem shock. Other kids were whispering which I wonder why.

"Looks like he's not here…"

Knew it…

I took a step forward which I end up right Infront f her. "Domo," I let myself smile for a spilt second before going back to my emotionless face.

But I soon had to covered up my ears whem everyone had screamed.

Danm you would think that they saw a ghost...

"Who are you?"

You should know sonce you just said my name.

"I'm Tetsuya Kuroko, "

I look over at the strange eyebrow kid when I felt hin staring at me. I wonder why he keeps looking at me.

"Take off you shirt!"


"What do-"

I cut her off by hold out my hand to her. I bent down to my backpack which was right by my leg. I open it up to take the small file out. I quickly hand it to her. After she took it, she started to read it.

Now we're just standing her while she reads over my files.

This so isn't awkward…

Riko Aida POV

I read through his files as I couldn't believe that his real name was Tetsuya Akashi. Which meant he's The Empire younger brother! The caption little brother from Teiko Middle School, who's part of the Generation Of Miracles!

I made sure to study that school hopeing that maybe just maybe one of them would come to the school!

Everyone who was into basketball knew of them! There's six of them but only five of them were well known. There was a rumore going around, saying that two of them were related by blood.

This confirmed it!

The two top dogs from The Generation Of Miracles are twins! Which means, we have one of their top dogs! I'm so very happy! We have the Phantom! Them again both we well known to be super dangerous.

I realize I was getting lost in my super happy thoughts that I had stopped reading.

I wish I didn't read more of it…

His father request that he changes in a different room then the others. Also not to over work but I have to check his arms everyday. He also must leave at the time he has to see his thrapist.

This also explains for what happen last years.

Everyone wonder even I wonder what happen to their team. The Phantom and The Empire dropped out of school along with other members of The Generation Of Miracles.

Only one didn't dropped out.

That was the Ace who was kicked out for some odd reason. I'm guessing he cause The Phantom to do this. Which meant the Empire had to leave to take care of his sick brother. Then the other who were close to the twp alsp left to maybe help out.

After I read a little more I close the file. I knew I was to keep this since it was a copy.

"Come with me real fast." I saw everyone giving me a questioning look. "The rest of you listen to your captan." With that we left so we could talk one on one.

I wonder if our team will won with The Phantom. After all The Empire is also very powerful.

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