day with chris

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Chris's Pov:"come on let's get some sushi!".I exclaimed.alicia nodded her head eagerly and patted her stomach I chuckled softly"she's perfect".I thought to myself. As we got up to the door I held it open for her and she gave me a smile and walked in.a waitress came over and sat us at a table"alright,what can I get you to drink?".the waitress said.alicia smiled and said "water with lemon please".the waitress nodded and smiled and looked at me "and for you sir?" ah coke please I said, the waitress nodded and went on her way,I looked at alicia with a warm smile, she gave one back "have you told anyone about you wanting to adopt a kid?".alicia said.I gave her a nod,yeah I've told family and friends,everyone thinks it's a great idea,alicia nodded and smiled,the waitress came back and took our sushi orders I got two vegan sushi rolls and alicia got two spicy crab rolls,our food came out 15 mins later and we both dug in,me and alicia talked and laughed,I even said a couple of dad jokes as she cringed and laughed alicia looked up at me and said"I hope you can adopt me chris".I gave her a smile and said "me too". As we finished up our food I saw alicia getting ready to pay for the food,I quickly stopped her and paid for it myself,she looked up at me"are you sure you don't want me to pay?".I gave her a smile,this is my treat to you darling I'm not going to let you pay"she smiled".okay thank you.I nodded and we both stood up,how about we go to the mall?I asked her.she nodded quickly and said a sweet yes please.we got to the truck and of course I opened her door.the mall is about 30 mins away,are you okay with that I said.she nodded and smiled.

Alicias Pov:we are on the way to this huge mall its one of those malls with all the fancy schmancy stores,I didn't want the car ride to be boring so I made up conversation"so chris".I said. what's it like being a music artist?he looked over at me and smiled "it's fun!but it can get a little overwhelming I feel like In any line of work you'll get stressed out but I'd rather be stressed out by something I love doing,ya know?".he said.I gave a nod and smiled at his well thought of answer "what do you like to do?".Chris asked. I love to draw actually I also love to sing but I'm not the best at it,I'm trying to learn piano to! Chris gave me a smile,"well,little bunny just keep on practicing".he said. I smiled at the name he called me,We finally pulled into the mall parking lot,I got out the truck and went over to chris's side and we walked to the mall entrance he opened the door for me and I walked in and was shocked with how big everything was,I never really left the adoption center to go to places like this so this was a huge treat,I immediately walked over to spencers and started looking at all the cute shirts, I picked out a couple oversized tee shirts and got a few pairs of earrings and went to the check out,chris paid even though I said he didn't have to and he reminded me that this was his treat to me,we also went to journeys and I got a pair of white and black converse and a pair of black vans,I smiled and thanked chris for everything,I still felt a little guilty for him wasting his money on me so that's why I kept the price range under 200 dollars,our last stop was victorias secret I needed some new underwear and bras so I picked out a couple matching sets and got some perfume and lotion,I yawned softly, this why the most fun I've had in 5 years and for the first time in a while I felt genuinely happy,chris smiled down at me "alright little bunny let's get you back home". I smiled and thanked him again, on the way back to the adoption place I fell asleep, I will admit that sushi and walking around had me super tired.

~1 hour later~

Chris's Pov:we arrived back at the center,I was sad that I still couldn't adopt alicia for a couple days but I guess that gives me more time to make sure everything is ready for her arrival home I turned off the truck and gently tapped alicias shoulder,she woke up and yawned softly and got out the truck and waited for me to get out,i grabbed her bags for her since she was still sleepy and walked her inside ms johnson was in her office and smiled once she seen us"hello mr cerulii",she said,i smiled and said my hellos and kneeled down to alicias height I noticed she had tears in her eyes I immediately hugged her and asked what's wrong and in the most heart breaking tone she said"im scared that this is a dream and I don't want to wake up".I reassured her and told her that this was real and to prove it I gave her one of my rings,it was a little big for her fingers but she managed to make it work,I'll be back in a couple days okay? Then you can finally come home,she nodded and gave me a hug and yawned again,I couldn't help but smile,what alicia didn't know is that I planned a surprise welcome home party and invited the pierce the veil boys and everyone from my band to come celebrate,I gave her another hug and left the center to go back home.

~1 hour later~

Chris's Pov:I yawned slightly it was(11:30pm) when I arrived home and I was ready for bed,I put my dirty clothes into the laundry and put on my pajamas,I decided to grab a cup of hot coco and watched a movie until I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Alicias Pov:I was telling ms j about the amazing day I had and showed her all the stuff chris bought me,ms j smiled and gave me and hug,we talked for a couple of minutes before we started both started to yawn,we both laughed and said our goodnights,I happily walked up to my room and put all my new stuff away,I put my hair in a ponytail and took off my makeup,I put on my pajamas and laid down in bed slowly falling asleep.

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