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Chris's Pov: I sighed while getting ready "what if she doesn't like me", I thought to myself while biting my lip nervously. I was trying to think positive happy thoughts but my anxiety made it nearly impossible,I finally decided to get in the shower to get ready to see alicia,the adoption center sent some people and they did a home inspection last week they said everything was perfect and I can adopt alicia,now let's just hope she'll want the same.

~30 mins later~

Chris's Pov:I got out of the shower and dried off I put on a black tee shirt,leather jacket,black skinny jeans,black doc martins and sprayed some cologne,I styled my hair and decided on no make up today,I picked up the house and made sure everything was perfect for alicia I'm still worried on if she'll be happy or not,checking my phone the time read(10:30 am)I let out a happy sigh and decided to get ready and go I made sure to grab everything I needed and locked the door and got into my black truck and played a random slipknot album as they always seem to calm my nerves the adoption center is an hour away and the interview is at 1:30 I better get a move on.

Alicias Pov:I got out of the shower and of course I used my special fragrance vanilla cake I was very excited and nervous cause today's the day I get to see my adopter!! Ms j wouldn't tell me any details which was weird but I just shrugged it off and got ready I decided on wearing a black lace tank top with a red flannel a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of black knee high boots
I wore a black choker and a black key necklace I did my hair in it's normal style and did winged liner,eyelashes and a slightly tinted lipgloss I looked in the mirror and smiled I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to wait my excitement is out of the roof!

Chris's Pov: I pulled into the drive way of the adoption center my palms were clammy,I shut off my truck and got out making sure to lock the doors,I nervously walked up the steps and knocked on the door,I waited a couple of moments and was greeted with ms.johnson"ah mr cerulli!". she said with excitement.come in! come in! she ushered.i am going to get alicia out of the waiting room you can take a seat in my office.I gave her a smile and went to her office and waited patiently.

Alicias Pov:I was listening to music when I felt a tap on my shoulder,I looked up to see ms j smiling down at me,I stood up and asked if the man who wanted to adopt was here,"yes!".she said.he's waiting in my office and is eager to meet you! "she exclaimed".i smiled widely and followed her I kept my head down since I was so nervous but when we walked in her office and i looked up I nearly bursted a blood vessel because chris fucking motionless was looking back at me,my jaw instantly opened and I swear I felt my heart drop to the floor,I gave out a shocked hi and sat in the chair opposite to him "hello!." He said. I'm guessing you already know who I am?.I gave out a shy nod bite my lip nervously and looked down"oh shit maybe he doesn't want a fan for a daughter". I thought to myself.I heard a small chuckle and chris said"alicia you don't have to be nervous around me I promise I won't bite". I let out a small giggle and looked up,chris smiled softly"alright alicia".ms j's time for you and mr cerulii to spend the day together so we can see how things go and from the looks of it I think there going great so far.chris nodded in agreement and stood up"ready to have some fun kiddo?". I nodded with joy and gave ms j a hug,me and chris walked out of the adoption center and to his truck,he opened the door for me and I got in,"I think my cheeks are going to pop from how much Ive been smiling".I thought to myself.chris got into the truck and started it up"how about we go out for lunch?".He stomach instantly started to growl"I'll take that as a yes!".he said while laughing. I laughed along with him and nodded.

~20 mins later~

Alicias Pov: we pulled into this nice sushi place and my stomach couldn't stop growling,I opened the truck door and got out I walked over to Chris's side of the truck patiently waiting for him to get everything he needed,I'm guessing he wasn't paying attention when I was walking over and got startled when he turned around he placed a hand on his chest and laughed"you must be some kind of ninja!".he said.I laughed hard and held my stomach "s-sorry I didn't mean to spook you".I said in between laughs.he shook his head with a wide smile"come on let's get some sushi!". he exclaimed.

adopted by chris motionless Where stories live. Discover now