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The next morning I woke up due to my alarm, I groaned and turned it off. "Bloody thing..." I mumbled and stretched out and made noises were a cat would be jealous of.  I got out of my bed when it hit me. It is the day of the dance... Oh my god... I completely forgot to ask Lando if he had tickets.

I sent him a text if he had them and got a reply with a yes, thank goodness... One thing is done. I went downstairs to get some tea. 

When I was drinking the delicious tea, I went to my room to change. once I had my costume on for the first dance and brought the duet dance clothes with me in my bag. I put my hair in two dutch braids and brushed my teeth. Put on the make-up and went downstairs. 

I put my cup away and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge to bring with me. I walked out of the house towards my car. I texted Lando the address and drove to it myself. Preparations were at 10 o'clock and the dance was at 12 o'clock. So we had two hours to practice everything for the last time. 

At first, the teams were, then the duos and after that were people who had a solo. I trained hard for my solo this year, maybe without the team knowing, but that doesn't matter as of right now. they just know I'm ready. 

Once I got there it was exactly 09:45. I was now waiting for the rest of my team to arrive so we could go in and register ourselves. 

Kensie was first together with Sean, Maddie was late as usual. We got in at 10:10 and went to the lady who was checking names off. I said our name and she crossed it off. We walked backstage to set our bags away. I checked my phone and saw that Lando replied with a thank you. I smiled and felt a blush come up my cheeks. 


Thank you, love💕
Read 10:20

No problem :)
Read 10:22

Also, I have a surprise for you when I get there.
Read 10:23

I can't wait 😘
Read 10:25

After I sent that I shut off my phone and went to one of the practice rooms where my friends were. We practised till we were sure we had it all in us. We don't want to make any mistakes now. 

We got out of our room at 11:45 so we could prepare a little before the dance. I was about to walk away when someone padded on my shoulder with their finger. "Yes?" I said without turning around, still gathering my belongings for the first dance. "May I speak to Tara Stark please?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Oh my gosh, Lando! Hii!" I said turning around. "Hey, love. I brought you a surprise," He said setting his hand on my waist he led me to where the band was. 

"Hey, there is my favourite dancer!!" I heard someone say. I looked away from Lando and saw Carlos there with his girlfriend. "Oh, this is a wonderful surprise!! thank you for coming guys!" I said happily. I hugged them both and turned back to Lando. 

"Thank you," "Anything for my girl," He said. "Oh, so I'm yours now?" I asked with a grin. "Only if you want to, baby," He said pecking my lips. "I like you a lot..." He whispered in my ear. "Hmm, I think I like you more," I replied kissing him. 

"If you lovebirds are about done, we need to go up in a few," Kensi said interrupting our kiss. "Coming," I mumbled looking into Lando's eyes. "I gotta go..." I said. "I know, be safe and knock 'm dead," He said. I gigled at that and gave him a peck as a thank you. 

I ran back to my group and looked behind the curtains that would be revealing us in a second. I saw Lando and Carlos sitting in the VIP room and smiled. I looked at my team to see that they were ready and put my thumb in the air to show that we could start. The curtains went up and revealed us. We stood with our faces towards the audience when the music started.  Sean wasn't with this one, only the duo one. Because it was better with just us girls.

The dancer and the driver ~Lando Norris~Where stories live. Discover now