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I woke up to a sleeping Lando, he was sleeping with his arms around me. It was honestly the cutest thing ever. His hair was pointing in every way possible and his mouth was a little open. His head was on my breasts... Now how could I possibly get out to grab some tea? Right... I think I'm going to stay here then. 

He grumbled and tighten his grip on me. I looked down at him and he began to wake up. "Your staring..." He mumbled with his morning voice and looked up with his chin in between my breasts. "I think you are just content looking at how you are laying on top of me," I replied with my own morning voice. 

"How can you still look so beautiful when you just woke up?" He asked, climbing a little up so he was facing me. "Hmm I don't know, Mr Norris," I said biting my lip. "God... What did I do to deserve you?" "Being your wonderful and beautiful self, Lando," I answered for him. 

"Now what I don't understand is how I deserved you..." I said just above a whisper as he came closer to my lips. "By being yourself and by accepting me," He said. I smiled and not even two seconds later his lips were planted on mine. I kissed back and deepened the kiss. He was now between my legs with his elbows next to my head, kissing my face off. 

"Your touch traps my soul in your hands my darling," He whispered against my lips. "What do you want to do today?" He asked laying next to me again. I turned to look at him and thought. "Well, I have this friend who was in my class a few years ago. I still have a little bit of contact with him, since he is now famous and all. But I was supposed to visit him today, guess I am not doing that because of covid..." I said biting my lip. 

"Who is your friend?" He asked. "William," I said. "Well, he goes by Wilbur Soot. But his real name is William Gold," "I have heard off him yeah. How about you text him?" I nodded and grabbed my phone. 


Hey will, We still on for today? If so, can my boyfriend come too? I don't know if he has ever been to Brighton.
Read 09:44

Of course! And he does know that you are like my best friend right? Oh, and I have to tell you something when you arrive. It's important
Read 09:50

Sure, and what's it about?
Read 09:55

Something that I won't say through text
I'll see you soon, Tay.
Read 10:00

Well, that was weird. I bite my lip and Lando grabs my phone out of my hands. "What kind of important thing can it be?" He asked. "I don't know, I have known him longer than I have Kenzie... It could be anything, but honestly, I think it has something to do with my parents," I replied.  

"What about them?" "They died a few years ago, not long after we moved. I got the house and everything else, Will was always very weird about it. Like he was hiding something very important. He was devastated when they died, almost as much as me. You see, Will moved here earlier than me, his parents and mine were partners and quite rich. But my parents moved a year later to England because of me. But I wanted to go to Will again so It was actually me who decided it. To say the short story," I explained, I hadn't realised that I was crying until Lando wiped a tear off my cheek. 

"Let's go to Brighton then," He said and I jumped out of bed. "Really?" I asked. "Of course, if he is important to you and your family. Then he is important to me," Lando said and I just jumped on the bed and hugged him again. I was straddling him but I didn't care. "You are aware of what you are sitting on, right?" He asked with a brow raised. "I bent over so I was close to his ear and whispered a yes. "Are you sure you want to walk later?" He asked again. "Yeah you say that, but never succeed," I said getting off him with a smirk and going to the other room to grab my clothes when I felt arms around me. 

He only had his boxers on and I felt his 'Friend' poke me. I took in a sharp breath and turned around. "I could fuck you right here, right now. And you won't be able to walk away from it," He said just above a whisper in my ear. I smirked and started to back up taking him with me. I sat on the bed and he pushed me further on it. "I'll bet you will come within ten minutes," He said. I knew he was right, hell I could get an orgasm by listening to him right now. 

I smirked and agreed. He started by kissing my neck. Just a quick note, I was still wearing my green silk nightgown. He went down to kiss further when my phone rang. "Goddammit, if that is Will, I will kill him," I muttered. It still rang meaning I was being called. I saw who called me and sat up immediately. "Yes, Mrs Mac Callen?" I answered. 

"Hello, Mss Stark, I just wanted to congratulate you. It's a shame that you are leaving the dance studio, but I am very proud of you and your group," She said.

 "I learned from the best, thank you very much. I'll try and visit the dance studio a little more, maybe even teach some little kids," I replied.

"That will be great, well I need to teach now, so I will talk to you later. Oh and call me Stella, Bye Tara," She said. 

"Bye Stella," I said and hung up. 

"Oh...My god. That was my old dance studio calling me. She congratulated me and said I could teach the younger groups," I said with big eyes to Lando. "That's great, Sweetheart!" He said and hugged me. "Now, get out of that dress of yours before we are late," He said. 

I did as I was told and changed into a black corset kinda thing and jeans, with black heels and a black blazer. 

I walked out of the room to the bathroom to do my make up and hair

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I walked out of the room to the bathroom to do my make up and hair. I did my hair in a high ponytail and put on some black eyeliner and mascara. I was done within 10 minutes and walked out of the bathroom to see Lando all done and ready to go. 

He was wearing black jeans and a black jumper with his glasses and a cap. He was putting his shoes on when I came down the stairs. He looked up and his eyes went wide. "Damn baby..." He said and walked towards me with a smirk. "You look damn good," He said. I smiled. "Thank you," I said and walked over to my purse. I put my charger, wallet, and phone in it and looked at Lando. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Ready as I'll ever be," 

The dancer and the driver ~Lando Norris~Where stories live. Discover now