After I left the hospital I was able to find a hotel I found a key to one of the rooms. I locked the door and got comfty to sleep here. Maybe 5 hours after I went to sleep I woke as k–9 jumped on me. She bit into me and I screamed. Blood was every where and I could see bits of me every where. When Adrenalin started going I got to my senses and ripped her off of me. The first thing I thought after that was to keep her down.I went for my machete and swung it at her I was able to cut one of her legs no blood came out she was a zombie.I cut her other leg so she cold not walk. I used the belt I found in the room worked so I could tie her mouth so she could not bite me and I picked her up then I walked to the window opened and dropped her.SPLAT! I looked down and the only thing I saw was a red splater and chunks of her. I looked down at my chest and I through up out the window. Then I go to the side of my bed where I grab my wife beater and tear it into shreds I wrap the thickist one around the missing chunk of my body to stop the bleeding. I realized then I was going to change or die and then turn into one of them.