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(Heavy breathing)...(pants) this real life or am I dreaming again.(pinches self)..Ow crap this is real.Well at least I've survived this long.But how?I don't remember. Well let's check how I look.(finds mirror).white with one blue and one red eye. Great I'm a mutant but how do I know that.Tall I have to be at least 6 feet 2 inches.Muscular enough to lift at least 200 pound's. Well let's try to remember my name.(thinks but head starts to hurt.)well I'll just be vodka for now.I don't know why I like to be called that guess it's just another mystery.Time to explore where I am. 2 stories and 2 full bathrooms a kitchen 2 living rooms and 3 closets.where am I this is so strange. Well I wonder where others would be.but I should scavenge first. A backpack,some cans of food,a thermos filled with water this won't last long,and one machete. Well time to go.whoa little higher up there I thought guess this house was moved here I'm over a cliffside. This is a true cliffhanger(fakes a small laugh). I guess I can just get out of a window.(opens window and climbs out). I guess that's where the house came from. There's a hill that half crumpled and the house must have slid down from it tore some of the land up too. I better start moving its just past mid day.............

I must have walked at least for an hour before I saw a figure. The figure is missing an arm I don't know anyone that could survive missing an arm. In fact I don't know anyone.the figure pounces on a small animal.CRUNCH. I start running to the figure. When I get there I realize that its skin is very pale and life less. I try to push it strong for looking so weak. I push harder and the figure jumps back and gruted. I see now that it is a guy in about his 20s with a cavity in his chest where you can see his ribs and stomach but that's all thats left. So I unsheathe my machete. He lunges and I swing missing but keeping him back.I stab and he tackles me. I put my hand on his forehead to keep him from biting me. I pull my machete out of himand put it one his neck and let go of his head. He then forced the blade through himself. His head landed next to mine and I pushed his body off me. I got up just in time so I would not throw up on myself. After recovering for about 1 min then checked what he had been biting. It was a dog. A female pitbull. Mediem sized, black, brown,and white. She couldn't walk because her back leg had been bitten so I carried her. I called her a couple of names but she responded best to k-9...........

After walking another hour or so I found a hospital in a town. I was able to scavenge bandeges some pain meds and some disinfectant. I was able to relieve k-9 of her pain and she could walk again. As I was wondering the hospital I found some more crazy people but I took them out silently.

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