I knew I should die soon. I was felling weak. So I gathered all my strength and left. I walked for 4 hours and the sun is coming up. I see a post office and think they might have a spare map. I walked through the spinning door and I was met with a cheerful ding-dong. I looked around and saw a case with a map in it and knew it would be to loud to break it open, it wood be a last option. So I checked the back rooms and in the last room there was a mass of bones and blood shaped like a throne. I could hear faint sound of pounding. I silently walked over to the case and smashed it open.(pounding stops). I grab the map and start to roll it up and out of the corner of my eye I saw two blue cold dead eyes on a green blood stained face. So I took all of my strength and ran then sprinted. After I got away I checked the map and realized I was very close to a medical field. Only an hours walk great I hope I make it this headache is killing me)............. After about an hour of walking I got there. I saw a crate of meds and found what I needed....CLANG. I woke up two hours later with the worst headache ever. I opened my eyes and saw a friendly face. "Hi I'm Leo Cipher" I sprung back and reached for my machete so I could defend my self but it wasn't there. Oh crap I'm going to get killed he has a gun. Then I got stabbed by a feeling I remember as a needle. I felt my pain go away as a voice said "I'm Raven Cipher". Oh great two of them. Then Leo said "Wait a minute is that you Shadow?"