Morning Chaos

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Elijah Pov

I was woken up by music echoing in my house and I did not like being woken up like this. I don't even want to guess who it is? because I already know the answer. 

"Adrian put that book down now!" I heard my sister yelling.

Wait my sister!! I shot up from my bed and looked at the digital clock beside me and it says 8 O'clock. What is she doing here not going to school? I went down and saw my living room was mess a perfect mess and I was so frustrated. I told the guards to not let them inside because every time they come home I will have to replace something or the other and this time I think it is going to be my white couch. Again why did I choose white.  

"Adrian put the damn book down. If there is a slightest of a scratch on my book I will kill you and feed you to your dogs. I swear." Shara yelled 

"Ad no kidding. I am sure she will do it and Big B will surely help her in hiding your body man." Alex said and that's true I will help my princess. 

"Ah... he won't. Am too good of an asset to him. He won't lose me. You on the other hand am not sure." Adrian said looking at Alex.

"And I wouldn't be so sure of it Arthur" I said coming down the stairs. Once I was down the music stopped and I was engulfed by my little sisters hug.

"Hey there Princess" I said and kissed her head.

"Elli" she squealed. As a child she never could pronounce my name properly so she would call me Elli and no one apart from her would call me that. 

"Aren't you suppose to be in school" I asked her 

"Yep, I am suppose to be. But nothing a puppy face can fix." She replied giving me her big smile.

"What did you do?" I asked her knowing well she did or forgot something.

"I forgot to do my math homework and I do not want to go school today . Please Elli don't let me go please." she said giving me her puppy eyes. She sure got all these tactics from our Mom. 

I sighed and nodded my head. I can never say no to my sister and she knows it very well and so do others. With that I turned towards my brothers.

"You took a week off" both of them said at the same time making me raise my eyebrow.

"Why is my week off your week off?" I asked them they were about to reply when I heard the door open and all the others walked in. 

"Why are you'll here?" I asked now agitated

"You took a week off" they said at the same time. What the Fuck

"Again why is my week off your week off" I said trying to be very calm. I took a week off so I could rest and not babysit these teenagers who act like 5 year old's.

"Because our Mother's were angry that we are not taking a leave while Elijah did." Xavier said and I face palmed myself. I specifically told my assistant to not let anyone know I took a day off. I gave a clear instruction to Amara to tell everyone that I was working from home.

"So what now? You'll gonna stay here?" I asked knowing the obvious.

"NO" said Zara. Xavier's sister 

"We are going to Faith Org to help our dear mothers for the charity" Rachel said Aunt Ruth's daughter. 

"Oh Oh am not coming anywhere and who told you'll take a week off. Last time I checked I was suppose to do that." I said seriously.

"Father's" Zack said Uncle Blakes son 

"Let me make a quick call to my mother and inform her that we are not coming" Zara said taking her phone and we all were terrified.

"NO" all of us shouted at the same time 

"I will go" I said defeated. No one wants to face Aunt Cara's wrath. She is scary and intimidating. Zara is a Xerox of her mother. She knows how to get her work done without a hitch.

"I will go too. I don't want Aunt C running around with her gun in the hand." Alex said knowing all too well and other agreed immediately. 

"Fine let me change and we will go" I said and turned back to Adrian "You rotten carrot 2 clean up the mess you made and call the maid to change the couch cover" I said leaving and heard Adrian saying am not rotten which made me smile and think of the day when they were born. 

After 20 minutes I came down and saw everyone cleaning the living room. I was wearing plain white shirt with black jeans and threw some chains around my neck to give it a bad boy look and lets not forget my favorite leather jacket. Zara was the first to see me and smiled. Once everything was done we left together. Shara was with me and along with Zara and Rachel. 

I did not expect my morning to be like this. Such a chaotic morning

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