Unexpected Company

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Amara Pov

We were leaving when we met Christopher and Amanda. They were talking when they saw us. I held Shara hand tightly and  slightly pulled her behind me. I know how angry Elijah gets about Christopher if I were alone I would I have dealt with him but I have Shara with me and I don't trust them at all. I saw Amanda disgust look and Christopher's sadistic smile. I wasn't afraid but very cautions.

"Get behind me and text Elijah be very subtle." I could feel her nod so I composed myself and smiled at him. 

"Ms. Deluca Mr. Ralph how are you doing this evening?"  I asked being very professional.

"Very Well Ms. Valentino." He said and looked at Shara.

"Ms. Williams, what a pleasure meeting you? Last time your brother didn't let me introduce myself to you." He said it in a sickly sweet manner. Before he does anything I turned towards Shara. 

"Shara meet Mr. Ralph and Ms. Deluca" I said and she just smiled. 

"Ahh what a beautiful smile. Sure all the Williams are blessed with good genes isn't it Amanda." He said looking at her and she smiled.

"Sure they are. Except they don't know who they should be close too and not." She said looking at me up and down.

Before I can reply someone else beat me. "You shouldn't be worried about that Ms. Deluca we sure know who we should be close to and not. That's one of the reasons why we keep Mr. Ralph away from us." He said and walked towards us. I have no idea how he came her so fast but thank god he did. 

Elijah Pov

We were discussing about the deal when I got a message from Shara. Earlier Amara messaged me saying that she is taking half day leave and lied to me that she is not feeling well. When I know that she is with Shara and they were having a good time from one of my man. I was happy that they were having fun so I let it be. I opened the text message from Shara and the next min I was in my car driving like a madman I didn't the amount of tickets I will be getting after this all I needed was I need to reach the mall as soon as possible. Once I reached the mall I went to the floor where they were and then I heard Christopher say

"Ahh what a beautiful smile. Sure all the Williams are blessed with good genes isn't it Amanda." He said looking at Shara with sadistic look and I saw Amanda smile wickedly. 

"Sure they are. Except they don't know who they should be close too and not." She said looking at Amara up and down.

Before Amara can reply beat her. "You shouldn't be worried about that Ms. Deluca we sure know who we should be close to and not. That's one of the reasons why we keep Mr. Ralph away from us." I said and walked towards them. I smiled when I saw Shara and at the same time angry when I saw fear in her eyes. I turned to Amara she looked angry at them, worried for Shara and mostly relief seeing me here. Once I was near them I kissed Shara temple and held her hand and put my other hand around Amara's waist. I saw Amanda eyes travel to where my hand was and I could see her angry.

"Elijah Williams just in time I see." Christopher said 

"What can I say I missed my girls." I said and smiled at Shara and Amara.

"Also I need to make sure scums like you don't flock your way to them." I added

"Nice Elijah Nice. You should be more careful then Elijah. Not every scum is me." He said and smiled sinisterly.

"I know. You should watch your back to Ralph. You won't always meet the same Elijah. Sometimes it can be dark too." I replied 

"Can we go. Am hungry." I heard Shara say and I turned to her with a smile and nodded.

"Count yourself lucky Ralph" I said and turned to see Amanda looking at me with a smile that was not good it was wicked. 

I started walking with the girls towards my car so we can go home. On the way it was raining heavily. 

"Mr. Williams you can stop here. I can go by myself." I heard Amara say. But I didn't listen to her.

"Sit back Ella" was all I said and she went silent.

Once we reached home and put all the bag on the couch I told Shara to take Amara to her so they can freshen up. I went to my room and did the same one's done I came done and started cooking chicken pasta for the three of us. They girls came down and I told them to sit on the high chairs in the kitchen. 

"Who's idea was it to send me a text?" I asked while cooking 

"Amara" I heard shara said and that made me smile.

"Why did you out without informing Shara?" I asked

"You'll were busy and I wanted to spend sometime and get to know Amara more." She replied

"Why did you lie to me that you are not well Ella?"

"It was girls time and I thought Shara will be more comfortable without me telling you." Amara replied and I could see Shara nod.

"Is it Shara?" I asked still cooking because I know they will not able to answer my questions looking at me but I still know when they were lying.

"Yes" She replied. Confident I see that made me smile.

"Why? What did you guys talk about" This time turned my head to look at them and they were looking at each and doing some weird eye signal.

"What was it about?" I asked one more time.

"It's girls talk" Both of them yelled at the same time and which shocked me. I eyed them suspiciously but gave up thinking I will find out about it somehow. I turned off the stove and served the pasta to all of us. Once we were done eating we sat there and I turned to see Shara looking between me and Amara I know something is going on in her head. 

"Alright am going to sleep now. Am tired and I need to restore my energy for tomorrow's class with Aunt Cara." She said and hugged both me and Ella. She was up the stairs when she stopped at called out Amara's name.

"Hey Amara. I saw you bought something from the store we went. I wondering what is it? and to whom have you bought that for?" She said and I looked at Ella who's eyes were as big as a saucer. 

"Was that for Ellie because that's totally his type." She said and I could see the betrayal in her eyes but nothing serious with that said Shara ran off to her room. Ella was still in a daze from her friends betrayal. The thought that she got a gift for me was making me excited so I rounded the table and went towards her.

"So... Where's my gift?" I said with a smirk.

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