✨Sadness turns to happiness✨

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Davi:18years old,5'5,great body,long natural hair,brown eyes finish highschool.

Sky:20 years old,6'5,mixed, great fit body, curly natural hair,blue eyes, finish college, now working

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Sky:20 years old,6'5,mixed, great fit body, curly natural hair,blue eyes, finish college, now working

Sky:20 years old,6'5,mixed, great fit body, curly natural hair,blue eyes, finish college, now working

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"It's 8 in the morning like what mom." Davi said to her mom.
"I have to tell you something important,so get your ass up."said her mom. "Ok ok am up,now what is it?" Your grandma died last night,am so sorry you never get to see her before she passed."she said with tears in her eyes. "Omg"davi said crying. Her mom hugs her for about 30 minutes. Then Davi received a call from her boy best friend,Sky. She answered the call. "Hey bitch"he said. "Hey"she said still sobbing. He noticed that something is wrong so he asked"What's wrong babygirl?"he asked in a sad tone. "My grandma passed away last night and I didn't even say goodbye."She said breaking out again. He told her to cheer up and start the day strong, so she did. She went to the bathroom and washed her face while her mother made breakfast and sky still on call with her. She took a shower then went downstairs to eat by that time she was cheering up."Yow bitch let's cheer you up, let's go to the mall!"he said. "Yeah I guess I can go"she said. "Look in your bank account bitch." He said."Okay?"she said puzzled.
When she looked she say 50 thousand dollars in her name.
"Omg omg omg!!"she said excited. "You never have to do dat you know bitch but thanks anyway ,I love you soo much bitch!"she said. "Yes I had to I couldn't bear to see you sad ,it makes my heart sad and I love you too bitch."he said happily. She grabbed her car keys and purse and ran straight out of the house. "Bye mom!!"she yelled leaving the house. Couple minutes later she arrived at the mall. She shopped for about 2 hours while chatting with sky. The next day was her birthday but she didn't know that sky had a surprise for her."So bitch what you doing for your birthday tomorrow?"he said." I don't know,I think am going to stay home and watch Netflix and chill."she said going to get some food.
Fast forward she eats, goes home talk to sky night came she fell asleep on call with sky.

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