Part 15

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The next few hours Kenny just wandered around town, he didn't want to go home, and she sure as hell didn't want to go back to Stan's. He just walked around until he found himself at Stark's pond. He sat down near the water and looked into it. His mind wandered between the course of events that led to this and he couldn't help but feel a sharp pain. He didn't want to break down and cry again but he couldn't help it. Tears began to roll down his cheeks as his breath hitched. He didn't understand. Why did Butters act like he changed? Like he cared? Kenny brought his knees to his chest and buried his face, letting out muffled sobs into the cold air around him. The more he thought about these questions the more sobs that wracked his body.

He cried until his throat was raw and it hurt to let out any more shaky wails. He laid back into the grass and took a deep breath. As he stared up into the starry sky he couldn't help but wonder one simple question. Why? What happened to make everything go so, wrong? He remembered how they all were when they were younger, even then, with all of that shit, it seemed calm. Now though, it was a mess, with the course of events lately he couldn't help but wonder that it was all destined to fall apart. Of course it was, nothing good lasts forever. Another sob began to claw at his throat. He squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath. His chest was throbbing from the pain of holding down his sobs. He slowly fell back into a normal breathing rhythm. Everything hurt, his chest, his head, his heart, and he knew it wouldn't get better if he kept thinking about Butters. He laid back in the grass, feeling the dew seep into the back of his shirt. He looked back up at the sky and smiled as he saw the stars.

After a moment Kenny sat up and wiped the remaining tears from his eyes. If Butters was truly doing the things the cult had years ago then he had to warn the others. He got up and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He stared at his contacts trying to figure out who he should even call. A few minutes later he placed a call.

The phone rang for a moment before the call got answered.

"What do you want Kenny? It's like 6 am." The whining voice said.

"Eric shut up, this is serious." Kenny said, his voice wavering a bit.

"Fine, what is it." Cartman said a tab bit annoyed.

"Butters is working for that cult of Cthulhu." Kenny said.

"What." Cartman responded, a bit of shock and disbelief in his tone.

"I followed Butters to his storage unit and saw him talking to one of the cult members. They were talking about some plan they had. Butters has been working with them for a while." Kenny said, beginning to cry a bit.

Cartman seemed to notice Kenny crying and said, "Kenny do you wanna come over and talk about this?"

"Yeah." Kenny replied.

Kenny began walking to Cartman's house. He was in a slightly better mood as he knew even though Cartman is a dick he still cares. After everything that had happened knowing one of his friends cared brought him a bit of comfort.

When Kenny got to Cartman's he knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds. Cartman opened the door, he stepped aside and let Kenny inside.

"So what exactly happened?" Cartman asked him.

"Well I've been staying with Butters while he's been at Stan's and I woke up and noticed he was gone. This happened the other night so I assumed he was at his storage unit again. I was right and when I got there I saw him talking to one of those cult members. At first they were arguing and then they began to talk about some plan they had. Apparently one they've had for a while. All of the things Butters has been doing has been for this cult. They want to summon Cthulhu again." Kenny began and started to cry once more.

Cartman listened, for once, and nodded, "So butters has been lying to us all."

Kenny nodded as he sniffed a bit, his chest began to hurt again.

Cartman walked over and hugged Kenny, "Kenny it's okay."

Kenny hugged him back as his crying got worse.

They stayed like that for a little bit as Cartman helped calm Kenny down. Kenny slowly calmed but the ache in his chest didn't seem to go away. He had stopped crying but felt as if he couldn't breathe. Cartman patted his back a bit.

"Look I'm not one that's good at advice or emotional help but I can tell this is taking a toll on you. So if you need help, I'm here for you. I may be cold and uncaring but you're still one of my friends Kenny." Cartman said, his tone actually caring.

Kenny smiled, "Thanks dude, that means a lot."

(( A/N: Sorry for such a short update, I was trying to finish up this kind-ish sort of section cuz, I'm sorry, this story is gonna go straight for the feels. I will try to update this story more often since I've been in summer break for like two months. I just hit a writers block. Soooooo with that I will try to update more and hopefully ya'll will like where this story goes.  

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