Tanjiro after hard work in the village was about to go home and it was starting to get late.
Then one man tells him to sleep at his house cause it's dangerous outside. Tanjiro tried to say no but the man made Tanjiro to get in his house anyways.
I woke up in a cave. It was day. I tried remembering what has happened. 'Oh right... My family was murdered, I became a demon, I attacked Nezuko, then this black haired man came.. He was probably a demon slayer.' I remembered. Then I saw Nezuko walking in the cave.
"Oh, hey onii chan. You're awake!" She smiled
I was about to say something but all I could say was- "Mnh-" I then noticed I have something on my mouth. I touched my mouth with widened eyes.
"Oh Tanjiro..." Her smile faded "You have to wear that so you won't attack any people.. since you are... you know..."
I looked at her with sad in my eyes which she could sence. She came closer to me and hugged me. "Im sorry Tanjiro.."
I didn't hug her back.. I was too distracted thinking about the demon slayer. When she stopped hugging me she said.
"Well onii chan, Tomioka~san told me that demons can't be on the sun so do you think you could get smaller and be in this box?" I tilted my head to right a little and stared at her confused.
"O-oh! Right. Tomioka~san is that demon slayer. His full name is Giyuu Tomioka. And I was talking about that time when you attacked me.. you for little... well- bigger. Do you think you could get smaller too?" She asked. I smiled even tho she couldn't see it that much and tried to turn smaller which I actually did. I cravelled into the box Nezuko told me to go in and looked at her with blank expession since I was still thinking about the demon slayer now known as named "Giyuu Tomioka".
"Oh and onii chan." I looked at her, snapping out of the thoughts that were in my mind. "The demon slayer told me to go to this man named... Urokodaki?Yeah I think that's the name."I slowly nodded and felt quite sleepy. Nezuko of course noticed so she "closed" the box and then all I remember was dark. I fell asleep.
~time skip~
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When I woke up I was kinda confused. I was in a building I didn't recognize. I saw that man Giyuu Tomioka sitting next to my futon where I woke up. He was staring at me... expecting I would do something?
I sat up, still looking at him but trying not to make eye contact. I mean- he is still demon slayer and Im a demon.
It was silence for a while. Then he started to speak. "How long do you think you slept?" I looked at him confused. "I'll answer for you. Four years." My eyes widened. 'I-I slept for f-four years?!' I thought. I looked at the floor, processing how is that possible. I had so many questions.
Where is Nezuko?
Why is he here?
Is that true?
Is it normal for a demon?
Is Nezuko okay?
Where am I anyway?
More and more quiestions were appearing that I forgot the demon slayer was here.
"Hey, Tanjiro" I quickly looked at him still processing everything. "I can tell you what happened while you were sleeping."
/Please do!/
(/TEXT/ means that someone is talking in sign launguage. I hope you understand.)
He didn't seemed to notice my sign launguage but he still told me what happened.
"Well." He started. "Your sister was trained by Urokodaki to become a demon slayer. She eventually did but you were still sleeping. She uses water breathing."
I looked at him confused. He probably noticed my confusion and explained everything about demon slayer corps. Then he continued the story.
"So. Urokodaki requested her that he would take good care of you until you will wake up but Nezuko didn't wanted to, that "no one will seperate me and onii chan" she said. So its already 2 years since she became a demon slayer and went on missions. You were with her the whole time. Just in a box sleeping."
"Few days ago she sent Urokodaki a letter that she's very worried about you not waking up. So Urokodaki sent me to help. I could tell that by sleeping you're getting stronger. Your aura seemed very strong so I knew you would wake up soon. So I stayed here until you'll wake up. And you're probably asking where is your sister. She is on a mission right now. She went there yesterday and the village is quite close so she should be there any hour."
I stared at him now understanding more. I still wanted to ask one quiestion tho.
/Where am I, Tomioka~san?/ He finally notices my hand movements.
"You're in a house your sister borrowed for a while."
/I didn't know you knew sign launguage./ He just nodded as I smiled.
It was peacful silence for a little while again.
"How do you know sign launguage?"
I smiled at him. /My friend once lost hearing for 2 or 4 moths. And I wanted to surprise them by learning it!/
"That's nice of you.." I gave him closed eye smile as a response.
We "talked" for a while but then I heard a door open.
"Im back!" That voice. I could recognize it everywhere.
Hi again. OvO
How are you?
Well anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I want you to know that I don't own any of these pictures. They belong to their right owners.
What do you think of this story so far?
I'll do my best to update atleast once a moth. TvT And if I wont then i apologize.