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yo Sam " Tory says laughing in between sentences " are you good  or -"

" shit !shit shit ! Uh my dads calling , I'll be right back ." Robby says rushing out of the car.

" great "  I heard same mumble under her breath . " just what I needed ."

" Nice to see you too LaRusso ." Tory says faking a smile while glancing out the window.

" sorry. I just-" Sam sighs.

" you what , princess ? I'm here. I mean the beef is squashed I'm not here to fight... anymore . Isn't that what friends are for? " Tory says

" friends ? Hmmm okay . Bullshit Tory . I don't know what this is but it's definitely not friends." Sam continues

" you know you're not making this easy. I'm happy that you're out of the closet, but I don't know if you've , But not all of us have the luxury of coming out peacefully. And I'd be lying if I said I haven't felt some thing for you the second I laid eyes on you. You made me realize some thing Tory , all the tension and anger between us was just us not being able to communicate our feelings correctly. I fucking like you OK? " 

" shit um . wow . I've never had someone confess love like that to me. Maybe we do have a future Sam."

shit did I really just that out loud ? Tory thought to herself . She realize what she had just said and damn did she feel for this girl.

Tory was never soft , often reminded of her past she used a ' DONT fuck with me im the best ' attitude to cope how she really felt on the inside .

Fuck it . Tory thought to herself .

" then prove it princess " Tory spat out .

" prove what ? The fact that I'll probably be closeted forever? Oh and then I'm in love with a girl who everyone thinks I hate? You just don't get it do you?"
Sam stammers

" no , prove to me that I'm the only thing on your mind. Well it's all the other coming out bullshit . " Tory said finishing he sentence and instantly regretting it .

Oh .

" shit I didn't mean it like that. You know- ."
" screw it . I care about you Sam and I'm not gonna act like to kiss , or uh kisses , didn't mean anything to me. I'm not going to deny the history between us you know what, I don't know what I'm saying I guess I just never liked someone like this. You know like genuine feelings"

Tory spat out .

god she's so beautiful. Tory thought to herself .

" so what exactly do you mean by prove it" sam says mocking me in a seductive way . God she's so hot.

" this ." Tory says gripping onto the girls waist. I take charge, straddling her I was sitting on top of her face to face. Kissing her gently . God I can't get enough of her .

       Tory deepens the kiss as sam pulls away.
" you really want it, don't you."

" shut up and kiss me." Is it to continue to kiss passionately,

    Robby begins to walk up to the car , unaware of the two girls getting intimate with each other .

" Guys I'm- "

" OH . Shit um sorry . " Robby says in shock.


Tory and Sam get off of each other as they shoot each other a look. And stay silent for a second to break out in laughter laughing at Robby being completely oblivious to the fact that the two girls  were  just making out in the backseat of his car.

" uh guys can I come in now? " Robby says .

Sam shoots Robby a look for him to come back in the car .


well that was awkward lmaooo .

sorry y'all took me forever to upload just been so busy traveling and  stuff but I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter ! :))

rivalry ( sam larusso x tory nichols ) { ON HOLD }Where stories live. Discover now