Green Nail Polish

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Sykkuno is opening gifts and letters his fans have sent him. He decided on a chill stream today while waiting for Corpse to arrive, since it takes a while to get to L.A. from the southern parts. He was around 30 minutes in when he saw something that caught his interest inside a shoebox. “They sent me green nail polish, I don’t know if painting my nails is my thing.” One person did jump into mind, Corpse. His black chip nail polish flashes in his mind. ‘Maybe he will try green?’ Sykkuno thought slowly turning the bottle in his hand. Quickly pushing Corpse aside, he returned back to his stream. “Umm uh, a little crown, is this uh no, I appreciate it, it’s very nice…”

4 hours into the stream, he's playing MineCraft at this point, his phone lit up with a message.


I’m outside

Sykkuno stops himself from smiling and look back at the stream. "I think I'm done for today guys, um," he clicked off MineCraft. "I really appreciate everyone coming and watching the stream. I'm really lucky to have so many great people here to come and support me, thank you all. Let's raid Leslie stream-" in the corner of his eye he saw the door open and Corpse peeking his head in. "Tell her I said hi, I'll see you next time, I really appreciate you guys" he ended off with a grin. He quickly log off his Twitch, as Corpse walk in.

"What up baby" Corpse greeted. Sykkuno smiled walking over to Corpse, giving him a quick kiss. "Is catkkuno back again?" 

"Wh-what?" Sykkuno stutter in surprise. Corpse pointed to the top of his head, then pulling his mask off revealing a smirk. Sykkuno blush, just remembering the cat ears he put on earlier. 

"Oh umm a fan sent them to me, an-and the chat wanted me to wear them" he reached up to take them off but a hand stop him.

"Don't, you look cute with them on, especially with how fluffy your hair looks" Corpse ruffle his hair. Sykkuno felt a smile tug at his lips.


Corpse chuckles at his cuteness giving him a short kiss. Pulling back, he look behind Sykkuno at the mess of gifts and letters scattered. Sykkuno followed his gaze looking at the mess too. "Oh yeah I still have to organize that'' Sykkuno moved to organize with letters and gifts. Corpse went and sat on his bed to relax after the long car ride. Halfways through organizing, Sykkuno found the shoe box with the nail polish inside. "Hey Corpse?" Sykkuno called out to the man who made himself comfy on his bed. Who was also watching the catkkuno clean.


"This is really not your color but…" Sykkuno turn around, nail polish in hand, "someone sent me nail polish and umm, you wear nail polish…" he trailed off, holding the bottle to Corpse.

"Definitely not my color" Corpse grab the bottle, "but it is yours" he looked at the man.

"Nail polish isn't really my thing though."

"Have you tried it?"

"Like once when I was a teen." He remembered that disaster, nail polish was everywhere .

"It's been years since you were a teen, let me paint your nails for you" Corpse pulled Sykkuno down onto the bed.

"Wait Corpse-" Sykkuno tried to pull his hand back, but Corpse held his hand tighter. Unscrewing the brush from the bottle, Corpse position Sykkuno's hand, with his big veiny ones, so he had a good view of his nails and went to work. Sykkuno gave up and just enjoy the feeling of Corpse's hands holding his. Corpse was really trying to make them look perfect- which was hard while holding the soft and slightly smaller hands in his. Sykkuno watch Corpse brows furrow slightly as he painted his nails.

"Done," Corpse said, screwing the top back on the bottle. Sykkuno instantly misses the feelings of Corpse's hands but pushes it aside to look at his nails. A little bit of the polish got on his skin but it look good. "The polish will wash off your skin when you wash your hands."

"How long do I have to wait for them to dry?" 

"Give it a few minutes" Corpse answer, grabbing his hands again, kissing the back of them. Sykkuno instantly blush. Corpse chuckles again at his cuteness, and rubs the back of his hands.

"Thanks for painting my nails, it doesn't look bad honestly" Sykkuno said, appreciating them, mainly because it was Corpse who did them.

"See? They look nice on you, you should do this more."

"Maybe I will," Sykkuno agreed. For the rest of the day into the night, they talk and cuddle. A couple days later, Sykkuno proudly show them off his painted green nails.


"You should let me paint your nails one day!" Sykkuno exclaimed while looking at Corpse's hands.

"I'll bring my nail polish the next time I come over," Corpse said. Sykkuno smile brightly and started to play with Corpse's fingers.

'Damn, I really love this man' Corpse thought, watching Sykkuno with heart eyes.

(This was my first corpsekkuno fic I wrote, I think it's aight, hope y'all enjoy, and I will see you people later.)

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