Black Nail Polish

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Oh Jesus!” Sykkuno yelled.

“You actually killed him” a chorus of people yelled out, as Sykkuno’s little green astronaut fell into lava. The words ‘Victory’ appeared on screen with 8 colorful astronauts. Sykkuno couldn’t help the smile on his face as everyone were yelling his catchphrases. It’s become so iconic of him apparently.

“Thanks for playing!” Rae said over the group call. 

“Thanks for playing guys” Sykkuno follow, muting the call so he can thank his fans for coming and hanging out. He tried to get it over quickly so he can spend the last couple hours with Corpse before Corpse goes home. Sykkuno was always sad and tried to make Corpse stay longer, which he succeed a couple times. Right as he click the ‘Stop Streaming’ button, Corpse walk in the room.

“I think you need to come up with new catchphrases, everyone i staking yours” Corpse chuckled.

“Yeah, I didn’t think I said them that often, until you guys started to say it too” Sykkuno chuckled too. Corpse went and crash on Sykkuno’s bed. 

“I didn’t think we would have played that long, my throat hurts now.” 

“Well, if you hadn’t been yelling ‘Bingus’ s much, you would be fine, I could even here you from in here” Sykkuno follow along and laid next to the younger man, cuddling as close as possible before he would be far away for a few weeks. After a few minutes of silence, Sykkuno spoke up, “can’t you just move in with me, I don’t want you to leave” Sykkuno pouted, snuggling his head more into Corpse’s chest. 

“Ahhh” Corpse sigh out. He already stayed an extra day, and if he stays any longer, he won’t get anything done. Just being by Sykkuno can make anyone go crazy and just want to spoil him with anything and everything. “I’ll be back in a few weeks, I’ll even stay a few days longer, that sound good?” he watch Sykkuno pout but nod his head happily. 

“Your nail polish is basically gone” Sykkuno said having grab Corpse’s hand and observing how much smaller his hand looks in Corpse’s. 

“Oh yeah, I was gonna repaint them yesterday, but someone was being extra needy yesterday so I didn’t get around to it” Corpse smirk looking at the now blushly Sykkuno. 

“Oh umm’’ Sykkuno struggle for words. Corpse laugh, he love making him blush and fluster. “I can, um, pa-paint them for you?” Sykkuno eventually said. 

“Oh?” Corpse was slightly shook but remember the last time he visited, when he painted Sykkuno’s nails and in return, Sykkuno asking if he can paint his nails in return. “Yeah, let me get it for you” Corpse sat up. He saw Sykkuno’s eyes lit up. Corpse reach for his bag on the ground, opening a small picket with the nail polish inside. Sykkuno sat up waiting eagerly but slightly nervous. He watch a couple videos and practice on himself to make sure he doesn’t mess up on Corpse. They move themselves so they were sitting across from each other. Sykkuno grab the bottle and unscrew the top. Corpse watch Sykkuno grab his fingers delicately and slowly started to paint his nail. Sykkuno’s brows furrow, his lip pouted slightly focusing. Corpse want to coo at the man and ruffle his hair, saying how adorable he is. 

Handling Corpse’s hand gently, Sykkuno paint each nail as perfectly as possible. A couple minutes later, Sykkuno pulled away examining his work, proud of himself. “Done!” he exclaim. 

“You did amazing” Corpse said, bit really at his nails, he knows Sykkuno did great. It’s Sykkuno after all. 

(Quite shitty if I do say so myself, and I hope y'all like, and I will see you people later.)

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