Chapter 10

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I sit on the couch, counting down the minutes until Henry gets back, tapping my foot. I don't like being left alone, even if Glitchtrap is with me. It's been hard having to always be with only the glitch during the past month. I glance out the window and see a car go past. That's a Ford, not a Volkswagen...

"William, calm yourself. Why do you want him to be back so bad?" The glitch rabbit speaks. I glare at him. "I want him back so that you'll get in my head and stop staring at the tv or spying on his neighbors." Glitchtrap frowns but looks directly out the window of the kitchen, which stares into Henry's neighbors kitchen window. "Stalker!" I mutter and he chuckles. "I just find... humans beings... fascinating." This I already knew.

"Yeah yeah. I know how bad you want to go barge into their house and try out new torture methods and all that shit. Just stop staring for at least fifteen minutes, please." He sighs and comes to sit on the floor beside me. I look down at him and he gives that creepy smile of his in return. "Don't you look nice tod-" he starts to speak but I kick him right on the nose. "Stop trying to flirt with me, weasel!" He rubs his face and hisses at me. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm just getting bored and you're the only person here. You're the only person ever here. It gets lonely, you know?" I roll my eyes and flick the tv channel to a romance movie. "Feeling the need to have love or whatever, then just watch this. Watch them be in love and deal with the fact that you're an ugly weasel. Also, why the FUCK would you try to flirt with ME? Of ALL people?" He shrugs and turns to watch the movie.

Stupid weasel.

Suddenly, I hear tires on gravel. Henry's back. I jump up and see Glitchtrap fade into my mind. The front door is a few steps away. My legs take me to it and my hand twists the handle. I involuntarily run out to meet him. A strange reaction... I don't understand really. I just feel like I've been waiting years to see his freckled face again. He looks at me, confused.

"Henry! You're home!" My mouth moves on its own. Before I know it, I have my arms wrapped around him in a hug. It does feel nice to hug someone... Henry makes a confused sound before awkwardly hugging me back. I let him go and take him by the chin, tilting his head every which way. "Did anything happen at work today? Anyone hurt you? Are you ok?" Henry pulls himself out of my grasp. "I'm fine! Why are you so worried?" I shake my head and shrug, not sure myself.

He pats me on the shoulder. "Everything's fine. Let's go inside." We walk inside and sit on the couch. He tells me about his day which is scarily boring. How could anyone work at a place where basically nothing happens? Eventually, I start making him dinner.

"William... I feel really bad about all the cooking and cleaning you're doing." I shrug. "It's fine. I like to cook and clean. Cooking just is fun and cleaning is satisfying." He nods but looks guilty. I put the chicken I was seasoning in the oven and walk over to sit next to him. "I really don't mind. I want you to forgive me." It's true. Now I really care if he forgave me. I want my old best friend back. Does he miss being my best friend? Does he miss the college days we spent together...?

~flashback to college~

"W-William!" Henry groaned, his arms around me. I kissed all down his neck. We had locked ourselves in our dorm room and were standing in the middle of it, hugging. I giggled at him and kissed his ear. He hugged me closer. "William..." he sighed. We had been jokingly playing around with each other like this for a few months now. Obviously it was all a joke. Neither of us... neither of us was gay. We made the boundary of lips. We never actually kissed. Ever.

Henry changed that. I had let my teeth graze his jawline. "William...." He groaned softly. I couldn't tell at the time if he wanted me to stop of was just involuntarily saying my name. He moved his head quickly, causing my teeth accidentally scratch his jaw. My teeth are sharper then most people's. He pressed his lips to mine and I felt my face heat up and my eyes widen. It felt so.. so good. He bit down on my lower lip and my head started to feel foggy. This was actually happening. Henry Emily, my best friend, college roommate, partner in biology, and skateboard pal was kissing me. Rather than just a peck though, he was really going in for it, and I accepted. We melted together, still standing in the middle of our room. Something clicked in my head. I am gay.

After that day, Henry acted like nothing happened. Nothing at all. We both went on to get married to women and have kids. Having kids was nice... but I felt like the family I had was just a replacement to the two person family I could've had with Henry. Only if he'd said something about it after. Told me he loved me or something...

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