"its either me or her"

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      No one made a sound. Angela was certain she’d never heard a silence so silent before. Angela was in shock after listening to both of her friends argue. She didn’t know that there was so much tension. It wasn’t her first time trying to get them to speak. She’s done it before but it wasn’t as bad. She thought back to how it all started. There was this guy named Juan, who was new at the time. All the girls except Angela, were falling over him. Both of Angela’s friends, Maria and Lauren, both agreed to not fight nor compete over Juan. They promised each other that they wouldn’t let a guy come in between their friendship. That promise didn’t last too long. One day, Juan went up to Maria during lunch and asked her on a date to the movies. Maria realized that Juan was into her and felt like this was her cue to keep him from wanting Lauren. Maria decided to spread rumors about her and also told Juan, Lauren’s biggest and darkest secrets. The day after their date, Juan went up to Lauren and also asked her on a date to Olive Garden. Just like Maria, Lauren also thought Juan was into her but little did she know, Juan already went on a date with her friend. Similar to Maria, Lauren did everything she could to keep him from being into her friend. She told Juan, Maria’s darkest secrets and she also showed him silly and embarrassing pictures of Maria. The weekend came and neither girl knew what was going on with the other. Both girls told Angela about their dates with Juan. Angela was confused and most definitely stuck. “What am I going to do?”, she thought. She has to do something before things get out of hand. The weekend was over and everyone came back to school with a lot to talk about, starting with Maria and Lauren. It was said that they played with each other. A girl named Charlotte  went up to Maria and showed her her pictures. “Umm how’d you get these pictures?”, she said, sounding annoyed and embarrassed. “Everyone has them. They’re on Facebook and all over the lockers”, Charlotte said to her. “You’re not telling me how. The only two people that have these pictures are Angie and Lauren”, she said sobbing. “Umm rumor has it , that your friend Lauren gave them away”, Charlotte responded. “Lauren? She would never. That doesn’t even sound like her”, Maria said. Charlotte shrugged her shoulders and just walked away. Maria decided to talk to Lauren later after school. At lunch, a guy named Elliot, went up to Lauren and showed her pictures of Juan and Maria out at the movies. The guy also told her that he heard a few things about her. He told her what he heard but didn’t want to tell her who he heard it from. “Why can’t you tell me?”, she asked. “I can’t because I don’t know who started this”, Elliot answered. Two minutes later, some random girl ran up to her laughing in her face and teased, “haha, that’s why you still sleep with a nightlight”. Lauren’s cheek turned really red. “Who? How ? Omg!”, she said. Lauren ran to the bathroom and cried in the stall. After school, Lauren and Maria decided to talk after school. “So this is what we do now?”, Lauren asked Maria. “Me? You started this. Did you forget about the promise we made?”, Maria asked. “No but I was wondering if you did. I want to know, was throwing this friendship away for a cute boy really worth it?”, Lauren asked. “It was to you since you made me look like a fool. This friendship is over”, Maria answered. Angela was listening and her heart broke. What was she going to do? How was she going to fix this? Were they going to make her choose?.....

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