Chapter One

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the crunching of leaves and twigs under their feet was the only sound they could hear other than the ambiance of the woods around them, creating an eerie silence. it was actually rather peaceful. though gonner and isis both wished they could say something to break the silence, there was nothing to be said.

nothing to be discussed except for the elephant in the room.

they both knew they were absolutely lost. they could both navigate their way back to the cemetery in the flick of their wrist, but finding vetriol's cabin for almost the first time was rather hard. neither of them had ever seen the guy, let alone what his home even looked like. it almost seemed as though there was no solution. well, no peaceful solution, anyway.

as the night arrived, gonner huffed and laid against a tree. he traced shapes in the dirt and muttered on about the forest. isis put her hands on her hips and stood in front of gonner. "i have an idea! how about we go to y/n. they're amazing at directions, they probably know this entire forest like the back of their hands!"

"y/n? y/n l/n?" gonner scoffed and looked ahead at a tree. "no need te' go te' that scallywag, we'll be fine! let me lead and i'll take us straight to vetriol's cabin!" with newfound confidence gonner kept up from the ground and began marching forward. isis groaned and let her smug posture fall limp as she reluctantly followed the boy. (timeskip idk how we'll do that)

well, it had been an hour since gonner decided to take charge, and isis was pretty sure she'd seen the same tree twice. she grabbed gonner's shoulders and swung him around as he yelped in surprise. "look, i get it gonner! you don't like y/n for some stupid unknown reason that's definitely sooo much more important than that this mission to save the world, but if we don't find vitriol we'll never stop nebulosa!" isis let gonner go and paced around in circles as she ranted as she continued.

he groaned loudly and kept quiet for a moment, he knew isis was right. "fine! we'll go te' wherever y/n lives, but i don't know how yer gonna get there!" he threw his arms up in frustration, knowing he lost. "aha, finally! you won't regret this! and no matter, i know exactly where to go."

much to the disdain of gonner, isis did know exactly where to go. she lead them right up to a towering, rotted old house in the exact opposite direction they were coming from. isis opened her arms and smiled, gesturing to the old, rickety wooden two-story. "here we are! the house of y/n l/n!"

gonner stayed silent, his eyes following her gestures to the home. he waited until she'd walked up the porch to follow her, and even then kept his distance from the stairs. truth be told, he didn't even want to touch anything from the likes of y/n. as if it would give him some sort of afterlife disease. maybe he was being just a little bit dramatic, but he'd never admit that himself.

isis knocked relentlessly on the door for around a minute, only stopping when the door swung open to reveal a rather annoyed looking zombie. "wha' is it, broad? i'mma bit busy a' tha' moment, yea?" they'd grumble in a gruff tone, crossing their arms in front of their chest.

"oh, y/n! we need your help, please! we're trying to get to vetriol's cabin, but neither of us have any idea where to go!" isis' smile only widened as she clasped her hands together in some sort of plead, gazing up at the suit-clad undead with a hopeful look on her face.

"vetriol's cabin.. an' fo' what? wha's so important that you need to go ova' ta' that old place?" y/ns eyebrow raised, but before they could ask anymore questions they caught the eye of gonner, standing a few ways away from isis. "ahh.. ya brought tha' chump. ya' tryna' get rid o' him, that why ye' lookin ta go ta vetriol's place?"

isis laughed at y/n, while gonner rolled his eyes and muttered curses under his breath. "haha, no! we're gonna stop nebulosa and we need his help to do it! but as we said before, we don't really know how to get there..." isis huffed defeatedly and fiddled with her wrapping. "ah, i see. i can definitely help ya' wit that! it ain't like i have anything waitin' foa' me hea', heh! before we head off, would ya' like ta' come inside? i have some bugs and berries that a' just the bee's knees! well, as good as bugs and berries go, heh!" y/n leaned against the doorframe as they spoke.

just as isis was about to speak, gonner groaned loudly. "we have no time to eat berries er bugs er any of yer disgusting food, we actually have a mission. now are yee coming er not?" he turned around and started walking away slowly, but it was clear he wouldn't actually leave without isis, especially since he didn't know where to go from here. y/n pulled away from the doorframe with a huff. "fine fine, don't throw an ing-bing!" they hopped off of their porch and began walking away. isis ran towards the two with wide eyes. "h-hey! don't leave me here!" she caught up with them, and there began their journey to vitriol's home.

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