Chapter Two

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it'd been around three hours since they'd been at y/n's house. much unlike gonner and isis, they seemed to know exactly where they were going, their decisive and immediate turns almost leaving the two behind a multitude of times.

during this time, nobody had said a word. surprisingly, y/n didn't even ask where they were going. maybe it was the fact that they hadn't spoken to them in awhile. however, the looming presence of gonner didn't appear to exactly make them happy, either.

a clearing in the trees was met. a warm light cast across the ground and shrubbery, allowing what was in front of them to be seen with quite a bit more ease. "here's a pit stop," y/n would finally speak up, stopping and standing in the middle of the pathway. it seemed they'd stopped in a farmlands.. oh! gonner knew this place. this was his hideout, wasn't it?

"it's goin' ta' get dark soon, it's best that we rest hea' foa' now and continue tomorrow." y/n turned to isis and gonner with their hands on their hips. isis sighed in relief. "oh finally! i thought we'd never stop!" she began leading them into the farmhouse.

"we should probably stay inside here! if the fallen angels pass by here, they'll see us resting outside!" isis spoke with a smile, attempting to lighten the mood as isis walked up the stairs with the two behind her. the atmosphere always seemed tenser when gonner and y/n were in the same room.

y/n swiped their finger across a table, picking up dust. "yikes. this place 's probably abandoned. i can't imagine anyone 's livin' hea'..." they wipe their finger off on their suit and look around with their arms crossed over their chest. "well, it must be hard te' find a duster in the fuckin' underworld." gonner scoffed and took off his hat. he was done, y/n was such a nuisance who just needed to comment on everything!

y/n snorted as they sat down on the bed. "wow, defensive aren't we? 's this your pigsty?" y/n chuckled. this wasn't going well! we hadn't spent more than 5 minutes in this house and they were already fighting... isis decided she should do something about it.

isis huffed, setting her hands on her hips and staring at the two disapprovingly. "look! i've said it to gonner and i'll say it again, i know you two hate each other sOoOo much for some stupid reason, but that's not important right now! you two need to get along for one night! just one night is all i'm asking for! otherwise, it's over for all zombies!" she raised her hands for emphasis, furrowing her brows.

in a rather bored demeanor, y/n would look up at isis and roll their eyes. "whateva', broad. not my fault you decided ta' bring this tramp wit'cha." they'd gesture over to gonner, who shot a nasty look back over at y/n, scowling.

isis would huff, dumbfounded that the two were acting this immature this early into the night. "listen, if i have to put you two in your own respective corners, i will. leave each other alone, you hear me? if you can't get along, just don't say anything about or to each other at all!"

the two looked at each other and huffed, but decided they would try. as y/n laid down on the bed, gonner spoke up. "'ey! why does y/n get the bed? we've all worked as hard as them!" "maybe 'cause i'm the one doin' all the navigatin', ya self-absorbed cunt!" y/n sneered at gonner and violently grabbed the old bed sheets, pulling it over them.

"hey hey, no fighting you guys. just find a place and sleep, we have a lot of traveling ahead of us." isis spoke as she grabbed a discarded blanket she could bunch up and use as a pillow. with a grunt from gonner, they all fell asleep.

the next morning, y/n awoke as the light shining in the window settled right on their face. they groaned as they sat up and looked around, noticing gonner was still asleep but isis was gone.

at first they thought nothing of it, putting their hand to their head and yawning, kicking off the covers. they took a moment to adjust to the light in the room, clearing the grogginess from their head and looking around again.

"mmh.. isis?" y/n would sluggishly question, shuffling out of the rather rickety bed. as they did so, gonner happened to blink himself awake from the newfound light, sitting up straight and looking up at y/n.

"yer still here? ah, fuck. i thought it was all a bad dream."

y/n would roll their eyes and flip him off, turning away from him and walking toward the doorway. "it's too ea'ly foa' your bullshit." this earned a scoff from gonner as y/n began walking off, gonner standing up to follow after them. he didn't notice the absence of isis at first, but before he left the room, he'd glance back inside.

"um.. y/n.. where's isis?" "that's wha' i wanna know."

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