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hey lmao, maybe don't post unwanted criticism on our book without asking first?

you can criticize our writing, that's fine, we'd be welcome to take your criticism, but here comes a thought: fucking ask first. put this into perspective: you see this book you really like but you have some nitpicks about it. you post UNWANTED criticism on the book without warning, not knowing the author of the book was a new author. you just destroyed their fucking confidence.

then to get mad at us after we responded and say "we're being disrespectful and rude" when you were being disrespectful by deciding to post unwanted criticism in the first place? are you actually serious?

if you're going to mute us, mute us. but don't unmute us to be a dick only to mute us again before we can respond. make up your mind.

also, there are two people on this account who respond in very different ways. getting mad at both of us for something the other said is kind of stupid on your part, as well.

good day. expect an update soon.

-author r

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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