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She stayed up late, just talking with the Doctor. They had just met, and she wanted to get to know him as much as possible. He didn't pay her any attention until Rose had left, but that was okay, because she was used to being ignored, and knew what it was like to be lonely. She saw his sorrow, just a glimpse while he talked to the Nestene Consciousness, and decided then and there that she'd stay by his side until he tossed her aside, as she usually was.

It was just after Earth was consumed by the sun, and she was once again talking and trying to comfort the Doctor. He was ignoring her for Rose, and she sighed. At this rate, he'd have to notice her to toss her away. She shoved the depressed, lonely, and jealous thought aside. He needed someone to be there, and she'd be that person, whether he acknowledged her or not.

She had been robbed and stabbed while the Doctor abandoned her to chase after Rose with Charles Dickens, but that was okay. Rose was more important than her, in every way. Plus, Rose got kidnapped, she only got mugged. The TARDIS led her to the med bay and she was right as rain. He came back in a bad mood, asking her what good she was hiding in the TARDIS. She grinned sheepishly and pretended that comment didn't stab through her heart like a burning arrow. She tried comforting him, but got shoved away, reopening her wound. She apologized and went back to the med bay. He really was lonely, she thought. She was determined to help him, whether he wanted help or not. Just to make him feel better, really.

He dropped her off in London, running after Rose when he saw the date. She was okay with that, though. She had no one to report her missing, having lost her job when Hendrick's failed. That was okay, though. She was 17, and only really had the job to be able to buy stuff to keep her clean and food. She had almost been blown up by a missile having tried following them as best she could. She was stopped by random military people just in time. She had to sprint to not be forgotten and left behind on Earth. She still needed to help the Doctor.

She had comforted the Doctor when the Dalek had self-destructed. Late at night, they had a nice conversation. He still didn't know her name, but that was okay, his nickname for her was okay too. Red. After her sweatshirt, which was red and black. He was smiling and laughing when she left, so she counted that as a plus.

Red. So fitting, seeing as she was covered in it. She tried stopping Rose's new boyfriend from doing anything stupid but he had shoved her away. She had gotten the TARDIS key from him. She wondered when Rose got it. She comforted the Doctor again, late at night. She listened as he ranted for hours about stupid apes, domestics, and how much trouble Rose's conquest had made. She didn't sleep that night, he had spoken until Rose woke up, and then they went on another adventure. He didn't notice her trying not to drip blood on the floor, her sweatshirt soaked. She made sure she wasn't covered in red before he saw her. Rose got the key back.

She had died for the Doctor. He barely noticed. He didn't know she was the one who sacrificed herself. Had Rose's father not sacrificed himself while the Doctor was trying to re-materialize the TARDIS she would've been dead for good. She was still bleeding, but her sweatshirt dried to her stab wound so she wasn't bleeding out.

Jack Harkness noticed her. He even healed her stab wound, seeming worried. She and him had become almost family in the small time they've known each other. She was glad he could come with them on the TARDIS. Jack and her spoke quite a bit, before Jack went to bed. She spoke to The Doctor during the only time he spoke with her. He was happy, that everyone lived for once. She tried her best to stay awake while he spoke. She succeeded. Another sleepless night. To her it was worth it. She even learned a few things when the Doctor described what he was doing.

They landed to recharge the TARDIS from the rift. Jack and her spoke more, getting to know each other. They were close, and Jack even knew her name! She was ecstatic. Jack was worried about her age and appearance. He let her sleep while the TARDIS soaked in the energy. When she woke up from a nightmare, no one was there. That was okay, though. She had accidentally glanced into the heart of the TARDIS. Not enough to kill her quickly, but enough to put her in agonizing pain. That was okay, though. The Doctor had asked her if she was okay today, and she was honored he cared enough to ask. Jack and her spoke a while, getting each other's backgrounds. Jack became an elderly brother figure when he found out her age. He cared so much, it made her want to shy away, but she and him were close, despite the few days of having known each other.

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