So this is the part in my life where I'm suppose to tell you how my life was with my mom, well it went a little like this. When I was younger, I played around a lot, but now I'm 13, and all I do there now is stay in my room, play games, eat, and sleep. Bad life huh? Wait there's more! Never mind, there isn't anymore things to know besides life there is like a life of prison and I don't get to hang out with anyone besides my brother, who can be a total wreck sometimes. So yeah...that's my life at my moms. Lonely and helpless, but one thing I get from her is rewards and support. My dad usually wants me to do things he wants, and whenever I want to do something he brings me down or says,"we don't have enough money for it" when CLEARLY he has 4 watch's, and things for him and not me or my brother. So yeah. Total dick. But let's get back to the actual chapter. My mother loves me but I go through a lot of struggles. So yeah