bonus chapter- moonlight

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valerie's pov

"tommy!" i call from the bottom of the stairs.

"huh- YEAH?" he shouts back.

"are you almost done? it's nearly seven and your food is getting cold!"

"uh... one minute!" i click my tongue. he's been working extra hard and streaming a lot more consistently to help pay for apartment rent and taxes. i'm very proud of him for stepping up to the plate, but it's tough not having my boyfriend around for many parts of the day.

"VAL!" he shouts from the top of the apartment loft. "MY CHAT WANTS TO SEE YOU!"

"tell them no!" i yell back. "i look like a mess!"

"you do not. come on. don't make me go down there and drag you up." i sigh as i make my way up the stairs. i come into view of tommy's webcam and i can see him smile brightly. he extends his hand out to me, motioning for me to go next to him. i oblige and crouch next to him.

"hey no, you sit on the chair," tommy says as he gets up. i laugh and sit in his chair.

"take the headset, too. this is your stream now." tommy pulls his headset off and adjusts it to fit my head, then gently places it over my ears.

"hi chat," i say with a wave, laughing slightly. the chat is filled with kind messages and "hi's."

"look," tommy says, pointing at the chat. "they want to know when you'll stream again."

"i streamed yesterday!" i quickly defend, putting my hands in the air. "keep in mind i also work at a bakery a few blocks away. i'm helping pay the bills too, guys!" tommy lets out one of his signature laughs that i love so much.

"alright guys, valerie made dinner, and we all know she is an amazing cook- don't call me a simp for that- and i'm starving so we're gonna log off for the night! we'll see you lot tomorrow!" we both wave, tommy says good night, and he ends stream.

"what'd you make?" tommy asks as he powers off his pc.

"spaghetti and meatballs..." i say, scratching the back of my head. "it's not all that great..."

"shut up, i love your spaghetti." tommy grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs with him. he gets to his food and immediately starts to devour it.

"slow down, tommy," i say, reaching my hand out to stop his speed-eating. "you're gonna get sick!"

"i'm not gonna get SICK. don't worry. i am a strong man."

"okay, tommyinnit. stream's over, you can drop the persona." i laugh.

"not a persona. i'm a big, strong, manly... man. on and off camera."

"whatever you say." i roll my eyes and shake my head, still smiling. after a few minutes of tommy eating and me scrolling through twitter, tommy's head pops up.

"i forgot to tell you!" he says frantically, pulling out his phone. "i wanted to make a vlog with you. so i'm gonna take you somewhere later."

"how much later are we talking?" i ask, looking at the clock on the wall.

"the second i'm done eating."

"oh jeez, let me go upstairs and freshen up, then."

"you look great, stop that." i raise an eyebrow as i stand up and show tommy what i'm wearing (which consists of one of his black hoodies and dark blue jeans).

"what am i looking at?" he asks as he examines my outfit.

"how DREADFUL i look." he scoffs.

"i promise you, you don't look 'dreadful.' speaking of which, the english lingo is starting to take over you. i can already hear an accent forming."

love or host - tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now