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"According to the picture you sent me, It was hand crafted by this person called, KDY. It's hand embroided on a paw. When I looked into the initials on the internet there were no such records of any custom made item. So having a hunch I went to this old store that sold hand stitched plushies, Its run by one of the grandmas's that sell ttoebokkie, down that abandoned street. Because Hendery once had a break down close by and bought Xiaojun and me this plushie that had similar markings. She said it was her sons, KDY stands for Kim Doyoung, She also said her son had handcrafted the teddy bear while he was pregnant. The same initals are also on your necklace, Have you seen?" Yang Yang showed the initials on the picture. Mark stiffened. "She also said that Doyoung's baby had gone missing the night he had gone to take the necklace. But then a man came from inside, he sounded reluctant but he said that, The necklace was a pair, Made by one moonstone, Doyoungs best friend had made two, one for each baby. One for hers and one for Doyoungs. Their son, Donghyuck was never found since. Why does your necklace come into the scene is because, the picture of the teddy bear has the necklace at a clear distance. When I searched Mr Huangs life line, everything fell into place." The blondie stopped spacing and sat down.

"Beary hurty!!" Haechan came down stairs with his teddy bear, he had stubbed his knee on a chair and it was bleeding. Mark had to go attend to the wound or else the baby would have thrown a tantrum about it.

"Mrs Huang, Or Mina, Kidnapped Haechan when he was just an year and a half, hoping to get a ransom from his quite wealthy parents. But his father didnt have the money that she asked for, before he could find the allocated amount she had fled Busan and married Mr Huang, a filthy rich business, she could have returned the baby but since Renjuns father adored the child she kept Haechan as a pawn, she would make him do all the household work and would beat him up because he was disabled and didnt understand alot of things. In conclusion Haechan is the missing baby. His name is Moon Donghyuck, Doyoung used to call him Haechan, he had this pearl chain with his name around his neck that had once made Mina get attracted to the boy." Finished Yang Yang finished. The fact that their parents have been best friends and the necklace was made for eachother. 

When Hendery left, the older examined the necklace that hung around his wifes neck, the tiny details of beauty, also the small sun. It must be Haechans that the older had been wearing all these years? Haechans arms shook, he was also burdened with epilepsy. Mark smiled at the twitching boy, rocking himself vigorously, his teddy bear close to his heart. The older kissed a chubby soft golden cheek, Haechannie giggled. But he wasnt made to return emotions or feel them in any way. Days passed by, Mark tried to to find time to go meet Haechans real parents but his life had never been easy, it was hectic especially when you had an autistic boy for a wife.

"Liony where? Liony where?" Haechan waddled through the company, alot of people felt sorry for mark who once was a very bubbly guy for Renjun had made his life so much more beautiful. But now he was burdened with a wife that didn't have the ability to function like a normal person.

 "What is it Baby?" Mark dressed in a gorgeous black tux came walking like a stealthy lion, He wrapped his arms around the cutie wearing a teddy onesie.

"Beary feety hurty!!" Haechan pouted with a sniffle, Mark carried him like a Koala. Truth be told his life was never the same again nor would it ever be but he knew this bundle of cutness would certainly make it better. Haechan avoided eye contact as the CEO carried him to his cabin.

Marks secretary gasped when Haechan gave the usually angry boss his coffee and it spilt everywhere, even on Marks shirt. But Mark smiled, first feeding his wife his drink then drinking the cold one. This was life, The older was learning to adore the autistic boy, he was patient with him. But did Mark love Haechan? Would he ever be able to love this disabled boy? Can he move on from Renjun? What about Haechan? The poor boy just obsessed over his husband, he wanted to express so many things but he was gifted enough to express what he would feel. 

"Beary sheepy." Haechan slithered off the olders lap as he waddled outside the company, his curiosity too wild, he suddenly felt sad, lonely and left out. Autistic children tent to wander off on their own, but an arm held his.

"I'll be done in a few minutes. lets go toge-" Marks words stopped abruptly when he saw Renjun at the doors of his company. He left poor Haechans arm as he ran towards the Chinese beauty. 

Haechan just stood there not knowing why he even came outside, he snuggled into his teddy bear, as his breath stopped when he heard the familiar tapping of a certain womans shoes. Mina smirked as she examined her son, expensive ear ring, necklace and fancy dresses. What a jackpot. The poor autistic boy turned to see if his husband was there, sadly Mark had run after his lover. A harsh slap was given to the boy, his necklace yanked from him. She pulled it so hard but the younger pushed her offed and ran the direction where Mark previously had left. Unaware of the obvious things that might happen. 

"Junnie, PLease why are you hiding from me? Why are you behaving like this?" Marks voice sure made Haechan feel relieved but the situation he had to see broke somethingwithin him. He dropped his teddy, he didnt know why he felt a pang in his heart, when he saw his dear brother and his husband kissing eachother like there was no tomorrow.

"What could have I done?! I couldnt face you or Haechan. Mark.........." Renjun blacked out in the olders arms.

A Flicker [MarkHyuck]❤️Where stories live. Discover now