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Mark literally lost his mind looking for his wife, fuck a nine year old relationship, this bond he had with the autistic boy meant so much he didn't even realize it was feeding on him. Suddenly everything became so chaotic it was crazy. Haechan hugged his knees, he was hungry and cold. He pouted, why didn't no one love him?

"Beary Hurty! Beary fally.........Teddy." He sniffled, his skin had so many bruises, his wound on his tummy hurt. Why was it so painful? Why did Mark mean so much to him?

"Haechan!!!" Marks voice made the younger hide his face behind his teddy but he didn't have the strength to run anymore.

The cops surrounded the place, making the golden skinned boy in the fluffy hospital gown have an anxiety attack. Mark pushed through the crowd as he ran towards Haechan, the younger started screaming his head off, he didn't let Mark touch him, or want to see the older. His arms shook so much, he was weak so he couldn't fight back.

"P-Please.......Just please let me touch you........Baby Hae......." Mark fell on his knees as he squeezed those stubby cold arms, the Autistic boy didn't like it, he didn't want to see the older cry. It hurt him to the point he didn't know why his heart hurt.

"Liony shattery!!!.....uhhh uhhh Liony shatter pomish! Beary Hurty!!!" Haechans head shook so much, he cried sniffling as Mark cried with him.

Words didn't come out, but when Haechan looked up directly into his eyes, Mark knew he failed as a husband. Those vibrantly expressive eyes were so hurt, broken and lost. Renjun knew that very moment, that, his place in Marks life was long gone. They spoke so little, but they understood each other so much. The older just shook his head, tears falling down his eyes, his body rocking restlessly.

"B-Beary handy shiver shiver, B-Beary   no like Rosey. Liony.......No uhh......Hurty!!! Hurty!!! Beary Hurty!" Haechan hiccuped through his sobs, Mark shook his head, he mouthed wordless no's.

"Baby no. You are my wife and I'm your husband. No one can change that, I never knew this would happen baby. I never meant to hurt you nor will liony ever leave you. I swear on my self I would never." Mark sniffled, kissing those trembling pale fingers.
"I love you." Confessed the older absentmindedly, that very moment he had broken down on the middle of the road, he knew he felt more than just pity for the disabled boy. Nine years of love just didn't matter anymore.

Haechan threw himself on Mark, hugging the olders neck tightly. An autistic child never initiates anything,  the older squeezed his wife tightly. He sobbed into the olders neck until the shirt was soaking wet. Renjun just stood with his arms on the baby bump, this is why they say sex before marriage usually bought trouble. If only he wasn't pregnant, but then if he hadn't come this little autistic beauty would never have come to know his feelings.

"Let's go home okay?" Mark kissed the brunettes shoulder, his small but strong arms rubbing the cold back.

Haechan had his wounds attended to, he sat on Marks lap the whole time Taeyong checked on him. The older boy felt sorry for this boy, but smiled at Haechan everytime he looked at the twitching being full of surprises. The brunette hugged his teddy bear tightly, afraid that the doctor might take him away.

"Beary see?" Haechan made Mark look at him, he smiled sweetly. It was weird to have the autistic boy stare straight into your soul, nevertheless the older loved it.

"Maybe I should go." Renjun sighed as he did the dishes at the kitchen he happened to be way too familiar with.  Mark had moved on, he saw Haechan as his wife and lived for him now. The golden beauty waddled downstairs.

"Beary thirshy!" He pouted, his mug had been broken so he didn't have a mug anymore. That messed up his routine, fiddling his fingers he avoided Renjuns eyes.

"Here drink from Mark's." Renjun fed the boy, Haechan gulped down all the water as if he wasn't given water in years.

"Rosey baby here?" Haechan patted Renjuns three months old baby bump.

"Y-Yeah." Renjun pretended to smile, he didn't want this bundle to suffer because of him.

"Beary.......Liony baby?" Haechans eyes teared, his face shook. His arms hugged his teddy bear tightly.

"N-No I mean y-yes." The step brother didn't have the heart to say it wasn't Marks baby because it was, he had never had a relationship apart from the older.

"Beary feety Hurty." The brunette got distracted as he waddled upstairs in his big baggy t-shirt.

Mark came out of the shower with a towel around his waist, Haechan sat on his bay window dangling his feety. His imaginary ears dropped, those lips pushed into a phat pout. The older lifted his chin up, so their eyes would meet.

"What's wrong pumpkin?" Mark smiled, the Autistic boy scrunched his face, then fiddled with his fingers.

"B-Beary go Mommy? Rosey have........Uhh uhhh Ummm.......Liony baby. Beary homey go?" Haechan asked, it was quite hard for him to strain himself on understanding such a complex situation. Yet, he tried his best to feel, because he knew somewhere deep down he loved Mark so much it might kill him someday.

"You will not go anywhere." Said Mark as he dressed his hoodie and sweatpants as he handcuffed Haechans arm to his. "You are mine and I'm yours that's final, the baby will either be with Renjun or we'll raise it together. Beary will be a Mommy." The older bobbed their noses together. Making the baby giggle happily.

"Liony when no homey........Mommy Hurty Beary. Lotta lotta hurty, cheeky Hurty hubby. Pulley sparkly, necky, hairy Hurty. Beary no meanie. Beary sparkly earling no." Haechan started crying as he hugged Marks chest tightly.

"Mom came here?  His ear is torn look." Renjun stood at door of their room.

A Flicker [MarkHyuck]❤️Where stories live. Discover now