4th Year...

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up to the sound of people talking and some shuffling. I wanted to stay sleeping but then remembered that today was the first day of my 4th year at Hogwarts... GREAT. Another year of people judging other people and thinking they are way better than everyone else. Last year was when this whole "I'm a mature adult" thing started. Every girl was saying "I just got my period" or "this boy asked me out on a date" and every boy was saying "I started growing chest hair" (which they didn't) or "she finally told me she had a huge crush on me". I can't even imagine what is going to happen this year. I'm visualizing a nightmare, hopefully, that's not the case though...

I got up and walked downstairs to see what my dads were doing. They are always full of surprises so if there was a giant Hippogriff down there, I wouldn't be fazed.

"Good morning darling!" said my dad Sirius. "Good morning...?" I said while yawning. "What are you guys doing that's making this much noise?" I added. "We are just making sure you have everything you need for your 4th year!" said Lupin. "You guys, we already packed everything last night!" I laughed. "We know, but you are growing up and there are extra things you need!" Lupin added. "Like what?" I added. "Like pads, tampons, cramp pain reliever..." Sirius said very seriously. "OMG DAD" I yelled. "Hogwarts will most likely already have all that stuff for me!" I laughed. "You're right, we might be going a little too far..." Sirius admitted. "You think?" I whispered under my breath. "I heard that, young lady! Go upstairs and get dressed! Oh, and wake up Harry-" He said, we all laughed.

I made my way upstairs and thought about how I am definitely the favorite kid in the house. Even at the Weasley's, I am the most loved. Anyways, I got dressed in a fairly comfortable but nice outfit, did my hair in a comfortable way, and went to go wake up Harry. I knocked on his door and walked in. It smelled like a cow's house in there. I quickly told Harry to hurry up and get ready. He didn't complain for once, mostly because he would get to see his friends...and Cho. "Good morning Y/n!" he said happily. "Wow, good morning Harry, you seem happy...?" I added. After I said that he sorta looked at me like I ruined his vibe. I didn't care, I just walked out. It was too early for me to care about Harry.

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