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Y/N's POV:

I felt bad... How could he think that?... How could he think it was his fault? You know what? I need to stop stressing about it. It's fine. It's over now. It's okay. He knows now. Right?...

I couldn't sleep that night. I couldn't stop thinking about the things people are saying about me. Why me? They're way more interesting people to talk about! For example, everyone's calling that 3rd year, Kelly, Smelly Kelly because she accidentally spilled a nasty smelling potion on herself in potion class... not even Snape could fix it. Now that everyone has seen and heard about me, they dropped 'Smelly Kelly'.

Anyways... Neville. Wow, Neville. I couldn't stop thinking about him too. I thought I was over him... but I guess not-

The next morning I woke up to a knock on the door. I looked over at Ginny still sleeping, very heavily. I didn't bother looking at the clock before opening the door. When I opened it I saw... I saw Neville. "Um... Were you going to skip class today?" he said. "No! Of course not! Why would you say that?" I said very confusedly. "Well... um... there are only 5 minutes till breakfast..." He said also very confused. "OH SHOOT" I yelled. "GINNY GET UP". I turn back to Neville. "Sorry, I didn't realize the time! Just go without me, I don't want you to be late too!" I said. "No, no, no! I'll wait for you! I'll just skip breakfast! Who knows maybe we'll make it?!" he said so innocently. Oh my, he's so cute... and thoughtful. WAIT Y/N. STOP. YOUR GONNA BE LATE.

"GINNY, HURRY UP!" I yell. "OKAY OKAY IM UP" she yells back. "Go as quickly as possible, Neville is waiting" I add while already finished getting by tying my tie. "wait! awe, he's waiting for you. how thoughtful!" she teases. I just rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I went super quick, not even really paying attention to what I was doing. I grabbed my bag, and Ginny, and jolted out the door!

I walked out and looked at Neville with an 'i'm sorry' look on my face. "I'm gonna find Dean! Bye Y/N, love you, see you later!" said Ginny. I laughed and blew her a kiss. I looked back at Neville. He had a cheeky smile on his face, almost about to laugh. "What is it?" I smiled very confusedly. "You have some black stuff on your cheek...I think it's makeup." he said licking his thumb and wiping it off. "OH," I said while I felt my face turn red. "OH SORRY I SHOULD HAVE ASKED!" he asked with panic in his voice. "No, no. It's okay! I'm just... embarrassed" I said laughing. "We all make mistakes..." Neville said giving me a warm and reassuring smile. I felt myself going redder. HOW EMBARRASSING... I thought.

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