🍷Chapter 4🍷

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In a room with fully white ceiling and walls, a man was tied in a chair and blindfolded.

On the other side a man was sitting in a throne like chair watching the man.

" What do you want to do master Zhan?". Haoxuan asked.

" Wake him up". Zhan said.

" As you wish master". Haoxuan said.

Haoxuan took a bucket of cold water and splashed it on the man who woke up with a jerk.

" Who are you!?, Where am I!?". The man asked yelling.

Haoxuan took the blindfold and the man looked at them in fear which they enjoyed so much.

" Who are you!?, What wrong have I done to you!?, Why are you doing this!?". The man yelled.

" What's wrong you have done, ahahha, don't you know who you just tried to touch this morning?". Zhan asked grimly.

" W...wang yibo, then did he send you here?, I knew it he is not as innocent as we thought". The man said and laughed.

Suddenly a strong punch landed on his face.

" No, he doesn't send us here, but Wang Yibo, belongs to me, and I don't want anyone to touch my Yibo, he is only mine understand". Zhan yelled.

" Do you know who is in front of you right now?". Haoxuan asked.

" W...who are you?". The man asked.

" He is the one and only Xiao Zhan, the owner of Xiao Empire and Sean Mafia Organization, and the guy you tried to touch, Wang Yibo belongs to my master". Haoxuan said.

" Hahahaha, then that means you are lying". The man said.

" What do you mean?". Zhan asked.

" Yibo will never like a killer like you, he is innocent like a baby, so it means he don't belong to you nor anyone, so you can never fool me, when I get out of here I will warn him that a crazy mafia killer was owning him hahaha". The man said.

" That's right, he didn't know me, but he still belongs to me, and whenever I liked someone I am so possessive over it and claimed it as mine whether he like it or not, and I don't like anyone touching what's mine". Zhan said.

" Then you are a crazy, psychopath, mafia killer, who is obsessed with him, poor you, even if you claim him as yours you can never approach him, and he will never like you, you crazy obsessed psychopath". The man said.

" Obsessed, that's right, I am obsessed with him, psychopath, that's also right I am a psychopath, mafia killer, that's very true because I love killing someone in most torturous way, and that's I will do to you, I will torture you till you begged death". Zhan said coldly.

Zhan lifted his palm and Haoxuan put a knife on it.

" Since you used you dirty hands to touch my Yibo, then I will slowly very slowly". Zhan said as he cutted the finger of the man slowly one by one making the man yelled in pain.

Blood splattered on the white ground and the man was sweating heavily while yelling in pain.

" Do you like it?". Zhan asked.

" Psychopath". The man yelled.

" Oh, seems like you still have the strength to yell at me then". Zhan said and cutted the man's mouth and tongue.

" Wow, you look creepy but perfect art". Zhan said and laughed like a real psycho.

Zhan cutted the man's arm horizontally making the bones and veins show up.

" There, there, it looks so good so let's do it to the other one too". Zhan said and did the same to the other arm.

Bloods splattered on the ground the man was fully covered with blood veins and bones are showing up from the cuts in his body, an ordinary human will definitely vomit once they saw the scene.

The man blabbered trying to say something but can't because his mouth is wide cutted also his tongue were already gone.

" Awe, we're is the man full of audicity to call me names just now, what Happened?, Does it hurt a lot?, Do you want to die already?". Zhan asked.

The man nods slowly while tears running from his eyes.

" Awe, what a crybaby, now you shouldn't had done that, touching what's mine, now look what Happened to you, messing up with me, you even dared to talk back to me, let me tell you, you messed up with the devil". Zhan said.

Zhan thrust the dagger on the man's chest ending his life fully.

" Haoxuan tell the others to clean this mess, and also my Yibo's birthday is near, I need to plan for a surprise that will make my cutie happy". Zhan said.

" Are you planning to show yourself to him?". Haoxuan asked.

" Maybe, it's up to me". Zhan said with a smirk and left the room.

Haoxuan shook his head and called someone to clean the mess before following Zhan.


Yibo woke up and he is already in his room, he went to the kitchen and took a drink.

" Yibo, are you okay now?". Yang asked.

" I'm fine Auntie Yang, I am sorry about this morning, it's just that I am really overwhelmed when someone give me gifts for the first time after my parents died, when mama and papa is alive they always give me gifts, I missed them so much". Yibo said.

" I know, but we are just thinking of your safety". Yang said.

" I can protect myself Auntie, maybe I am too innocent and naive but my heart knows who to trust, and I feel Sean is no harm to me". Yibo said.

" Fine, I don't want to argue with you anymore, by the way, your birthday is next month, what do you want to do?". Yang asked.

" Just a simple celebration is fine with me Auntie". Yibo said.

" Okay, anything you want". Yang said.

Yibo smiled widely and hugged his Auntie Yang.

" Thank you so much". Yibo said.

Yang hugged him back, Yibo run to his room and layed on the bed.

" I wonder if Sean knows my birthday, will he give gifts to me on that day, I wish I can see his face". Yibo said in his mind.

Yibo took a bath before laying back to his bed and falling asleep.

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