🍷Chapter 6🍷

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One year later

One year has passed since Yibo knew that Zhan was the Sean who is sending him gifts everyday.

Every night Zhan is taking Yibo out in every different place and flirting with him

For one year, Zhan and Yibo's relationship grew deeper, and more intimate, both of them fall for each other and they were dating for over 5 months now.

And in the morning Yibo will wake up late because of it.

The four people who is living with Yibo was very curious why yibo was sleeping so much.

Yibo was a morning person before but not now, he is always waking up late and whenever auntie Yang or auntie Xu will wake him up he is becoming angry.

His temperament also changed a lot, he easily become angry.

He is not the innocent and naive Yibo anymore.

So the four decided to observe Yibo and investigate what's the cause of Yibo's sudden change.

One night, Auntie Yang were awake in the midnight to drink water when he saw Yibo coming down from his room fully dressed up.

She hid in the door of the kitchen and watch as Yibo opened the door and hugged someone before kissing him.

She got shocked, so when the two went out she woke the other three up.

2 months after telling Yibo that he is Sean Zhan told yibo that he is a mafia, but Yibo just smiled at him and said that as long as he won't hurt him he will still be with him.

Zhan taught Yibo some self defense, and erased all Yibo's innocentness and naiveness.

Zhan also brought Yibo to his mansion and headquarters.

Today Zhan brought Yibo to his mansion, they were cuddling each other.

" Zhan ge". Yibo called zhan.

" Mmn, what is it baby?". Zhan asked.

" Nothing just want to call you". Yibo said.

" Naughty". Zhan said and Yibo giggled.

" Zhan ge". Yibo called again.

" What?". Zhan asked.

" I love you". Yibo said.

Zhan smiled and pecked Yibo's cheeks.

" I love you too". Zhan said.

Zhan kissed Yibo's neck up to his ears Makin Yibo moan a little.

He nibbled on Yibo's ears and softly bite it, Yibo clutched his shirt tight as he tilted his head backwards giving Zhan more access.

He closed his eyes tightly as Zhan started to nibble, suck and bite on his neck.

" Ge don't leave a mark, my Aunties and Uncle's will see it". Yibo said.

" I know baby". Zhan said.

Zhan claimed Yibo's lips and sucked it like a candy while licking it.

The kiss went hotter and deeper when yibo kissed back, their tongues fought each other.

" Baby, no matter what happens promise me that you are mine only okay, and you will never ever leave me". Zhan said.

" I am only yours gege, I promise and you are also mine only". Yibo said as he pecks Zhan's lips.

" I am only yours, forever". Zhan said.

Yibo buried his face on Zhan's chest and Zhan hugged him more tightly.

The two slept while hugging each other.

Past 3 am, Yibo woke up and Zhan drove him back to the Wang Mansion.

Yibo kissed Zhan on the lips again before coming inside.

He went inside his room and slept with a smile on his face.

The next day

Yibo woke up on 8 am, he went to the bathroom and do his morning routine before going downstairs and eating his breakfast.

He was about to go to school when Auntie Yang stopped him.

" What is it Auntie Yang?, I will be late". Yibo said.

" Yibo, stop seeing that man again". Auntie Yang said shocking Yibo.

" Auntie Yang what do you mean?". Yibo asked.

" Last night I saw you, I am warning you Yibo stop seeing that man". Auntie Yang said.

" Who are you to tell me what to do in my life?, I will not stop seeing him, maybe you raised me but remember it's also my family's money you are using for foods and other necessities here". Yibo said.

Auntie Yang slapped him that shocked him.

" I need to go now". Yibo said.

" Yibo wait, I am sorry". Auntie Yang said but Yibo already left.

Instead of going to school Yibo went to the park and called Zhan.

" Hello Zhan ge". Yibo said.

" Yes baby, what Happened?, Are you crying?". Zhan asked.

" Ge I need you, can you pick me up in the park near the gusu University?". Yibo asked.

" Okay, I will be there in a minute". Zhan said.

Yibo cutted the call and started crying more.

After few minutes Zhan arrived, seeing Zhan yibo run to him and hugged him tight while crying.

" What's wrong baby?, Who dared to make my boyfriend cry?". Zhan said.

" Ge, Auntie Yang found out about us, he caught us last night, and she asked me to stop seeing you, but I love you so much that I become angry and tell words that hurted her, and she, she slapped me". Yibo said.

Zhan become enraged and kissed Yibo's lips.

" Your mine Yibo and I will kill whoever try to separate you from me". Zhan said.

" No gege, don't hurt her, it's not her fault plus I still owe her my life, if it wasn't because of her, Auntie Xu, Uncle Lim and Uncle Yu, I will not be here, and don't worry gege because I will never allow them to separate us even I owe them everything, so don't hurt them gege, I am only yours". Yibo cried.

" Shush, stop crying now baby, I promise I won't hurt them". Zhan said.

" Zhan ge, can you spend time with me today?, I don't want to go to school". Yibo said.

" Baby, you need to go to school but I understand your situation so okay, where do you want to go?". Zhan asked.

" Let's go to the mall and watch cinema". Yibo said.

" As you wish my princess". Zhan said.

" Gege I am not a princess". Yibo whined.

Zhan just chuckled and entertwined their hands before going to his car.

They went to the mall and bought a couple t shirts, before going to the cinema station to watch a movie.

After that Yibo pulled him to the jewelry store and bought a pair of necklace.

They also ate in a restaurant and bought ice creams, chocolates and many more sweets as Yibo is have a sweet tooth.

When they are about to part Yibo started to whine.

" Gege take me to your mansion please, I don't want to see them for now, please gege". Yibo whined.

" Are you sure baby, won't they be worried about you?". Zhan asked.

" I...i am not ready to face them yet". Yibo said.

" Fine". Zhan said.

Yibo smiled and pecked Zhan's cheeks, Zhan smiled before driving towards his mansion.

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