Chapter 7 - Released

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Izuku is 1 years old and his babysitters were now in the class 2A. Izuku started to completely say full sentences and has been conversing with his father. They talked about analysis and the improvements UA had to make. To others it would be weird for the a principal of a high school to ask feedback to a 1 year old, but all the staff in UA knew what Izuku could do and had no complaints. Izuku could stand on equal ground as Nezu when it came to intelligence and he gave really good feedback for the students that were about their quirk. He seemed really interested in quirks and people found him mumble about the possible ways that the user of the quirk could use the quirk properly. Everyone thought the mumbling was scary at times, but that helped the school to flourish.

When Izuku and Hizashi were together, they would put some music on and sing along. Sometimes they even danced. Once Izuku filmed him while he was doing a particular dance that he called 'the ritual of waking hobo'. Hizashi hopped around the room with loud screams coming out of his mouth. Izuku laughed at the sight of Hizashi when he told him that the dance was the most annoying way to awake up Aizawa. Once Nezu saw the film, when he saw Aizawa sleeping on his job, he ordered Hizashi to do the ritual, which he gladly agreed to. Everyone in the room laughed as Hizashi did his ritual and the look of annoyance on Aizawa's face.

When Nemuri was looking after Izuku, she was never alone. She was normally with Oboro because the others didn't want Nemuri to ruin the boy's innocence, but he never knew what that meant. Oboro and Nemuri would always play games with him and they would always smiled in front of him.

Tensei would always know how to look after Izuku and was the most calm out of everyone in the group. Most of the time he treated Izuku like a child, but there were times where he would treat him as someone his age or older. They would work on problems together and would talk about fairness and heroes.

When Izuku was alone with Aizawa, he would smile and that would warm the hobo's heart, but at times he would follow his father's advice and mess with him a bit. Once he disappeared without a word to Aizawa, but he had just hid in a closet. It scared the hell of Aizawa and his facial expression was priceless. He would be ghostly pale with his eyes frantically looked for the bean. Izuku recorded the whole thing for his father and it would be an understatement if Izuku said that Nezu was pleased. Nezu replayed the video dozens of times and would laugh at Aizawa's expression each time.

Izuku loved seeing the people around him smiling and happy, especially his father. Nezu had adopted him and he knew that. They didn't look alike and with the high IQ of Izuku, it didn't take that much to figure out that Nezu and himself were not related. Even if that was the case, he was very grateful that he did, but the one thing he didn't know was that he had a quirk and that villains were after him.

When he was outside of his home or UA, he was never left alone, but he only thought it was because he was still 1 years old. He loved the smiles he saw, but he also caught a glimpse of the hidden part of society where people were suffering in need, helplessness and more. He saw people bullying others because of their quirk and thought about how horrible it was. Izuku wanted to be a hero to save those in need and suffering, so he was aiming to become a hero. He would use his quirk to help people in need, or even better, if he had a weak or was quirkless in general, he would become a role model for those in the shadows. If he were to stand up to all the challenges the weak and quirkless faced and not let other people's words drag him down, then others could do the same.

Izuku wanted to go outside every day after what he saw. Nezu was happy that he was so energetic about going out, by going out was dangerous for him, especially since they didn't know which villains are after him.

One day Oboro and Aizawa had to go grocery shopping and Izuku wanted to join them. Oboro and Aizawa were in Nezu's office with Izuku so he could get permission.

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