Sies | Trip

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Sies | Trip 

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Sies | Trip 

Wanda find the situation they were in very funny. She didn't expect herself to invite a criminal into her home but here she is, waiting for the criminal to wake up. When Y/N finished changing, they really don't have conversation. Wanda just said goodnight while Y/N said, hope you have a sweet nightmares. It was funny but for Wanda, it's a nice gesture. 

"Staring is rude, Maximoff" Y/N said before rubbing her eyes. 

"How did you know that I was staring?" Wanda ask and give her water. 

"You have been creeping at me for at least 2 hours" Y/N said and look at the clock hang on the wall. 

"And you've been awake for 2 hours?!" Wanda exclaim. 

"How could I sleep if you were too loud? Baby, you were screaming at the top of your lungs when you were cooking for lunch"

Wanda chuckles, "Sorry"

Y/N sit up, fixing her hair and tugging the shirt she borrowed from Wanda. Wanda look away when she saw that Y/N's shirt went too low for the chest area and she's showing too much chest skin. 

"You can go down and eat" Wanda said and went down in the living room to watch the tv. Y/N heard her stomach growled and quickly followed Wanda. 

"I can leave after I eat" Y/N said scanning the area. 

"Oh, I think you can't. Some cops are still in the area" 

Y/N let out a groan, "For how long"

"I really don't know but I'm sure that they would take a long days because the kid said that he wasn't the one who case the fire" 

Y/N started to think. Remembering what happened yesterday before she enters her apartment room. Maya wouldn't do that but who?

"Oh, shit" Y/N whispers before recalling that she bumped into a guy and he was familiar. Y/N grab a apple from the fruit basket and quickly walk to the door to get out. 

"Hey, hey. I thought you gotta eat before leaving?" Wanda ask and run after her. 

"I may know who cause the fire" Y/N replied, biting the apple. 

"You may know?" Wanda questions. 

Y/N face Wanda, "I bumped into a guy when I got home. He was suspicious and definitely familiar" 

"But you need to eat food" Wanda said and pull her back to the house, "I bet you haven't eat anything since the midnight" 

"It can wait" Y/N argues. 

"No! When I said that you will eat, you will" Wanda said, pulling Y/N in the kitchen. 

Wanda use her full force to make Y/N sit and quickly make a food for her. The easiest thing to grab, a cereal box. 

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